These forums have been particularly dead the past few weeks. More than usual. Doesn't anyone have anything to talk about? I don't like starting threads because it makes me feel pretentious. Wait...
What about the changing colors of leaves? Do you think it's possible to observe this change? Sometimes leaves can change colors all day each time you look it's a new color.
I once thought closely about the saying "is the glass empty or is it half full". I came to the conclusion that; If you pour water half way into an empty glass it is half full. If you pour half the water out of a glass it is half empty. I also thought about the chicken and the egg and concluded the dinosaurs were around a lot earlier than the chicken, so it's a stupid question.
Yes the leave's to but not where I am,Fall come's slowly here but in Michigan it's beautiful in the fall.
Well before the dinosaurs I believe in the mythological beings of the world, probably dragons and Phoenix before the dinosaurs. See that's why dinosaurs looked so gnarly because they had dragon blood =D so then it's a question of dragon or the egg in which I can answer "oh the gods fashioned those creatures".
I feel it's been like that for years. I remember the good old days where you replied to a thread and there were already some other new posts. Now I just keep pressing F5 hoping that someone will post something that I can read and possibly reply to.
wow, me neither! i would wager that the majority of HFs is ignorant of that little gem. i got one for ya. for all the people that don't love psychedelics actually (i already posted it in that forum).... MY WIFE IS PREGNANT! :snowkiss: [this is privileged HF information...if you are somehow friends with me on facebook, please don't talk about it on there]