A constitution is about essential relationships , and i deem the US Constitution is deficient . It needs to declare a human relationship to the ecology . The Montana state constitution does this nicely and every citizen of that state is now entitled to a healthy environment . Oh ya , Montana got hammered by the mining .... that beautiful looking river over there ? it's really a superfund site ... heavy metals from the Butte copper mine . And the whole town of Libby ... cancer cancer cancer from asbestos . Then there's this current contitutional US relation to the world : of trade , treaties and national defense , which has evolved to the simplistic catch-all motivation - national security . it's not really very friendly , eh ? tis Chronic Defensiveness ! By default , all are enemies . War is institutionalized .... Advise ? Revise?
Or we could simply try following the Constitution in the first place. It seems pointless to advocate changing a document that isn't even really used.
I'm making this number up, but probably 90% of federal programs are not authorized in the Constitution. There's something in there to the effect that those powers not explicitly granted to the federal government are reserved for the states.
Nobody wants to touch the constitution with a 50 foot pole for fear of the other side gaining power (democrats and republicans) from the revised document. But I agree, the fundamentals of the U.S. as a nation and as a society have changed in the past 250 years, and we probably could use a document that dosen't need to be "interpreted" first before making a judgement based on it. But since that ain't gonna happen, there's no need to bitch about it. We'll just have to do what we can with what we've got.
basic housecleaning .... we can delete that part about housing troops in private homes , ok ? if things don't get fixed soon , i'm ceceding from the onion