It seems like the media is hell bent on using race to foment tension within society. I do believe they are greasing the skids for a race war in this country, which will likely coincide with the coming collapse of the financial system. Since they cannot have the people uniting against the tyranny that is being unleashed upon us all, regardless of our skin color, they must pit us against one another so that we destroy ourselves, blind to the fact that we are all human beings and that race is only skin deep. All of a sudden the Black Lives Matter group is receiving widespread publicity courtesy of the controlled mainstream media that has been heavily promoting racial tension and divide for the last several years. We know that Black Lives Matter has financial connections to elite billionaire George Soros, who could not give two fucks about the plight of black people. Many of the people who join these groups are well-meaning but mislead, and sadly are merely being used as pawns. The same can be said for the "other side" perhaps best currently represented by a certain number of people supporting Donald Trump. Many on the left claim that Trump is a racist. While I don't believe that Trump is racist, or has even said anything that is overtly racist, I do believe he subtly injects race into his rhetoric to appeal to a certain target audience who do indeed have racist tendencies, inciting them. Mark my word, over the coming months you will see the issue of race take center stage regarding Donald Trump and his supporters. This is by design. Those in support of Trump will play their intended role, as will those in opposition to him. Of course there will always be people who are racist. They are simply ignorant, small-minded people. Anyone who would judge another human being based solely on the color of their skin is beyond trying to rationalize with. But the fact is that the true, most insidious form of racism against black people that exists is overlooked by the overwhelming majority, and perhaps most of all by black people themselves. I am talking about the culture that is marketed to black people by predominately white men. It is a culture designed to keep black people enslaved and obsessed with things like violence, materialism, sex and celebrity. Perhaps there are no bigger racists than white so-called liberals such as Hillary Clinton, who so disgustingly pander to black people, pretending to want to "help" them in order to win their votes while likely laughing behind their backs.
I agree and I am still confused how no one can see the segregation of the masses into separate classes. Obama and Clinton have cleverly pulled the wool over the eyes of the easily manipulated voters. There is a whole new set of radicalism and racism in America today and none of it is for any greater good. We can see this throughout the college campuses to the streets where cops are killed and Black on Black crime is accepted. The racial issue is clearly on the BLMs' agenda. I do believe MLK is rolling in his grave at the sheer audacity and arrogance of these particular groups and shedding a tear in the total collapse of what he died for. Actually; the whole world is in play regarding these three taboo topics: Race, Religion and Politics. It is obvious that some countries are standing up to America and their hunger for war and terror. The plight of the 1 mil or so refugees is solely on Obama and Clinton; throw in Turkey and Saudi Arabia for good measure.
So I take it you are still with the same girlfriend. Good, thats lasted a while then, you should marry her
There is not going to be a a race war. Conflicts but not all out guerilla war. Maybe some terrorism but that is not new. It is going to be awhile, do to the ease of traveling and melting pots like the USA, multi racial reproduction will become the norm. A pure race can't evolve and be supreme. Hybrid vigor and all that.
A race war would be foolish. Anyone who thinks such a thing can be "won" is deluded. Especially if they happen to exist in the lower percentages of the population. The agenda to desegregate the country has been steadily eliminating "white" neighborhoods using various housing projects. Atlanta is one of the most diverse places I have ever lived and I am from San Rafael California. But they still have proudly all-black neighborhoods in and around Atlanta. In these 'hoods we find fertile ground for fostering hatred, which is why diluting white neighborhoods was seen to be so important. While the underpinnings of the US have been the product of white Americans for a long time, it should be clear to everyone that if the system was indeed hell bent on "supremacy" that Obama would be working in a field. I think the US is sold short way too often on this issue. And I think white Americans have been some of the most tolerant and generous people on earth or we would not be debating this issue. For me it gets old because I am an "old white man" which the press has turned into the most hated demographic in the US and much of the world. However, I seem to get along quite well with folks in the middle east, go figure. I got along with black Americans better in California than I do in Atlanta. I figure it's because the ones in California rarely assumed I was a racist simply because I was white. That's unfortunately very common in the south. I used to think it was funny when someone asked me if I was in the KKK, sheer lunacy. I have watched race relations in the US go from improving in the 70s to an all time low today. And most of it has been driven by assholes who sell ad space on news sites/stations. It's lame to be assumed to be a racist klansman just because I'm old and white. There's a term for that, but I have also been told that black Americans can't be called racists. Even if they are clearly being racists. Supposedly it's not even possible for them to be racists, which would mean they are otherworldly. Because any human being can be a racist. Hate is hate. And if you hate someone because of their color, even if they are white, you're a fucking racist and keep the problem alive for the rest of us. A question I would pose is, who exactly is expected to start this race war? Another would be, who really stands to gain anything from it?
The media hypes up racial issues to create even more racial tension amongst the populace. They try to turn non racial issues into racial ones. But it seems now this is hyped up now more so than it has been in many years. The "Hands up don't shoot" statement was never said by Michael Brown. The video and forensic evidence clearly showed resist of arrest and that he tried to steal the officer's gun, but that didn't stop the media from lying about it to fuel race driven riots and violence. Even Obama said in his own words after the Ferguson trial that the riots would make for "great tv viewing." Politicians and reporters have faced lots of backlash for saying All Lives Matter instead of Black lives matter. The point of the race war isn't to see who will win it. Much like the war on terror. It is a divisive tool to keep the status quo afloat while the populace turns on itself.
I'm still convinced: racism only exists because people allow themselves to be offended by it. I still believe one who is racist is in fact the lesser man. I guess now is a good time as any to jump ship and paddle like a mf'er away from St. Louis. There is a definite reason why things are so violent there. Conspiracy. They really don't have to use fear tactics anymore. They sort of churn away on their own now.
I don't think it will resort to a race war, but I am well aware of the get people to argue amongst themselves to get the attention of the scrutiny off of yourself...or the main issue, or what have you.........That is a tactic people should be well aware of. or simply put....diversion tactic. divide and conquer tactic.....
All of a sudden, more of these kind of topics around the same time. Maybe its time to go back to proving the twin towers were brought down by military grade hotdogs
I am never racist about anyone,....but I am opposed to certain ways of thinking that try to take over everything and everyone...... Is that racism?
I tend to agree with you. Genuine knuckle-dragging moronic racists are not as common as the press would have you believe. However, the more sophisticated racists are all over the place it seems. Just like lowering the blood alcohol limit has caused a surge in DUI arrests, so too have we discovered so many more "racists" in our midst since the bar was lowered to include "microaggressions" and basically anyone white. Racists come in all colors and serve their own special interests. It does seem like all of this has escalated because we are gaining generations of people who not only get butt hurt by being called names, they seem to feel it gives them a "right" to retaliate violently. People who seek to deliver violence, particularly to random people they don't know, are another side of the knuckle-dragger equation. Instead of being driven to fight each other, at the citizen level, can't we just have the politicians settle it by holding duels on the white house lawn. Like they used to do!
Then there's that whole irrational fear of anyone different. Which can escalate into xenophobia, something I'm very familiar with here in the "deep south". I assure you, there's nothing deep about it. Shallow is a stretch. I get derided for my "yankee" accent. I'm from California. And God help you if you have a name they can't readily pronounce. However, what I don't get very often is genuine hatred from anyone. But every once in a while some goober will stare me down from a corner cause he can't let go of my accent and his hatred of yankees. As for apathy, how can that be quantified when so many have little apathy for anyone, regardless of race/ethnicity/xyz? They don't care about their own "people", so why expect them to care about anyone else? I fully understand the "looking out for number one" mentality, it's probably our most primitive feature. Right up there with assessing threats with a single glance. We're still very primitive beings, so anyone who thinks we have a chance to "end" racism is deluded. Progress should be organic, not forced.
Being apathetic or empathetic begins with a choice. The choice to be offended or hold sympathy for others who are 'different.' Though it isn't easy to walk away from people with a certain mentality sometimes, considering certain unfavorable circumstances that much of the time involve violence as well due to a misunderstanding that is dragged out for far too long simply because of a difference in view... It's still a choice on the side of either party in light of such a situation. Though, I do not consider your view incorrect. Roots run deep. Oddly enough, I'll be the first to admit I am racist in one way or another. I don't consider myself extremely racist, but I'd be lying to your face if I told you I wasn't. I just consider it as I am a product of my environment and/or experience. I have racist thoughts. Sometimes I shout racist things when I'm angry at something that (probably) doesn't even concern racism or I'll make snide racist remarks, again while I'm pissed off about something and I'm around certain friends that wouldn't give two shits. Even though they probably do lol, idk. I do not express racism towards others in public or those I know are sensitive to racism for a few different reasons. Firstly and quite plainly, around here people get shot for that. Secondly, racist comments are born of ignorance and used as an excuse when one doesn't know what else to say. I have seen SO many people use racism as a scapegoat in public for no other reason than their own benefit. Mostly for the simple fact that they blatantly assume they cannot relate to another human being because of the color of their skin or certain viewpoints they hold. They would just rather not deal with examining themselves or something along those lines, so they resort to racism to avoid things they do not wish to know or be a part of. Right or wrong, it's just the way it is. That doesn't mean something can't be done about it without resorting to violence and ill-speak. I am constantly struggling in the attempt to re-condition myself. I try not to judge before being a good reason to do so. Even still, I do not resort to racism outside of my mind. Not that I'm trying to justify anything you said with what I'm saying here... I'm just sort of rambling about my personal views. Potentially de-railing a thread yet again *zips it* my bad. Forgot where I was going with all that lol
Dude I’m as ready as I can be for the upcoming race war, I have building supplies to fortify my house, I have food stocks to last for at least a month, and I keep my Glock 9mm handy. I know we don’t have much chance against the often scared and paranoid white race, but we’ll hold out as long as we can. And although I live in a primarily white neighborhood there are at least few other black families around and if we join forces and consolidate our resources we can take the fight to the enemy. To quote Capt. John Parker “Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here” Hotwater
^ LOL, "paranoid white race"! You sound like a load of PARANOID BROWN RACISM. If you think the majority of white people don't already know that black lives matter, you might be a BROWN RACIST! If you assume that your 'like colored' neighbors will serve your best interests than any others, you might be a BROWN RACIST! If you think 90% of white cops are bigots, you might be a BROWN RACIST! If you jump to the conclusion that every single black casualty is a victim of a hate crime, even when there's evidence that the other party was defending their life... YOU MIGHT BE A BROWN RACIST!
I feel that as long as we identify with the body that our soul occupies there will always be some sort of conflict.