Remember Whizzer and Chips? Remember the characters there was Shiner, a boy who every week got a black eye in a bazaar way. There was Sammy Shrink, a boy who was just inches tall. There was Fuss Pot, Buytonic Boy, Sid's Snake, Tiny Tycoon amongst others. Remember Whoopee? With Frankie Stien , Bookworm, Calculator Kid Remember Buster? I think there was a character called Gums, a shark who has false teeth. Not forgetting of course The Beano and The Dandy. Dennis the Menace with his dog Gnasher, The Dennis the Menace fan cub, who was a member? Do you still have the badges? The Bash Street Kids (Danny, Smiffy, Spotty Fatty, Toots, Sid, Wilfre, Herbert, and Plug. Plug had his own comic for a short time.) Ball Boy, Grandpa, Minnie the Minx (A girl version of Dennis). Roger the Dodger. Billy Whizz. I recall the characters getting the slipper a lot. (They lived in a world where there was no social services). Desperate Dan, Korky the Cat. Brassneck, Jack Silver, Fred the Flop, Cornol Blink. (he may have been in the Beezer but I'm not sure) There was Banana Man. Birdman and Chicken (Which comic were they in?) I still have a huge pile of them in my attic.
I really enjoyed Garfield when I was a kid. Always hating Mondays and loving Italian food. I sorta wish I was a political cartoonist.
i dont remember any of those all i remember is richie rich...and archie and some from school i think it was called bananas magazine had some funny comics in them and of course mad magazine and cracked
Don't forget Crazy and Eerie. I got my daughter started on Archie Digests years ago. We have a ton of them. Did you know Archie recently died defending his gay best friend?
Well, show me your ass. I might scribble on it. If you want to learn classic cartooning, this book is worth way more than what it costs.
I've haven't met anyone I couldn't teach to draw what they see in minutes. The best way to get over symbolism is to turn the subject upside down.
far side...i dont remember that as a kid but i have a few books of it i bought later on in life they were pretty good
when i was little the mouse was still big and most of the things mentioned didn't exist yet. that's what i get for being an old fart. i remember baby huey. there was blondie and dennis with his dog ruff, there were the katzinjamer kidz. most of the good stuff didn't come along until i was in high school, or at least fifth or sixth grade. i remember peanuts, it was still fairly new when i furst heard of it. and pogo the 'possum. porky and bugz. really didn't much care for wb's stuff in those days either. there was the little king, somewhere along in there. farside? i remember political cartoons, i don't know if farside existed yet. a lot of things that i didn't know about until later, may have existed in other places then the small towns in the sierras where i grew up. i don't remember anything cartoon wise i had a high opinion of then or would now. stan lee was still very much alive, but mccarthyism had already quashed the idea of superman being the socialist hero he had started out to be. i remember the phantom, and green lantern. even those were when i was a little older. about the time of archie. mad magazene, now that was good, and cracked and another one that it had inspired. and vampirella, but that was mostly highschool or nearly. even hanna barbara wasn't until i was in high school.
A member of Desperate Dan's Pie Eaters Club and Dennis the Menace's Fan Club (Cards and badges in the loft) I was predominantly a Dandy and Beano reader Along with - TV Tornado (Monday) - The Phantom (Ghost who walks) TV21 (Tuesday) - Stingray, Thunderbirds,Capt Scarlet Solo (Wednesday) - Man from U.N.C.L.E. The Topper, Beezer, Buster - and Whoopee too - before - when I could get hold of "MAD"