Any blood brothers fans in these new forums? Yes, I must make another post about the blood brothers. In my town, there is a group of us who would stalk the blood brothers if they ever came... Blood Brothers Music Video - Ambulance vs Ambulance Guitarmy video, its like a practice or something... very bad sound quality but such pretty pink shirts Does this excite you? Is this what you like?!
i LOVE the blood brothers. i really only like to listen to hardcore live, cause i like like to jump around and beat the crap out of some moshers, but the blood brothers are an acception. the fucking rock. i really like that song American Vultures. Who else could pull off a hardcore piano song?
TBB rock live! and american vultures is the song that got a lot of people started on em... but they are insane... brilliant time signatures... its just good music hehehe..