The bible is a compilation of 66 books written by different men in different time periods, and then compiled by men in a different time period. some people hold to the belief that the compilation was led by a "holy spirit" which may or may not be true, that is up for debate and kinda a thing nobody can objectively prove. That is pretty much what i understando f the bible, it has history in it, mythology in it, that some may consider history, wisdom, and it has prophecies in it.
Yeah, that's basically right. Catholics include and additional 10 books they call secondarily canonical and Protestants call apocryphal. The Greek Orthodox include another 5 books and Slavonic Orthodox one more than that. You're right about the rest.
Pretty good. The bible has survived many years and just until the modern era was not available to most. Now today it is the most published book and printed in over 2300 languages. The invent of the modern printing press has enabled people to get a copy of their own. Remember, God is all powerful and can easily preserve a book written to mankind, which he has done.
The bible is an interesting collection of myths, parables, wisdom, lies and a wee bit of historical information. Unfortunately, it is also responsible for horrific crimes against humanity perpetrated by believers who think it is inerrant and contains the "divine words of God."