Hey all, My girlfriend and I are both 50 years old and have a very active sex life. We are in the best shape of our lives. I do natural bodybuilding, etc. We both have a child from a previous relationship. She had cancer years ago so she can't take the pill. I wish I coild take a pill. I went for a consult on a vasectomy but my doctor talked me out of it due to our age and such low chance of pregnancy and with her being so close to menopause and we think she is already in perimenopause (I forget the term or pre-menopause?). She doesn't want me to get it either since I have history with RSD which is a nerve disorder. We tried every method we could in order to have a skin to skin experience, with the exception of surgery. Anyway, we have been doing the pullout for two years and will not worry if it's right after her period. We would love to find a co Dom that works for both of us. She says she hates Condoms due to how they feel and she looses the mood, if I wear one. For me, I don't feel anything when I wear one and can't orgasm. So, it ends up being a disaster and we go back to pull-out. I have tried so many brands from all over the world, supposedly super thin, lambskin, etc. Nothing worked for us. We tried again last night and we both felt very little and she hated it so we ditched it again. I have been en reading about some recent innovation in condom design with a hexagonal shape to the material. I'll have to order and try. Curious if anyone has found a great condom for those who have trouble having sensitivity typically using a condom. Thanks all and be well!
I always shoot for the best price because they're expensive for my taste. But you could always try an IUD for her.
Thanks! She was going to try the IUD but her doctor talked her out of it due to her cancer history and she had problems with a diaphragm. Her doctor said she had a patient that almost bled to death from a IUD so she said nope... Don't blame her!
Hi, I think she did but she got worried about the hormonal stuff from IUDs... They need a male birth control pill! I wish vasectomy wasn't such a risk for me.
Try the Trojan Ecstasy. The tip of the condom is wider than your head for two or three inches which gives you space to move around in the condom for more sensation instead of being squeezed into the tip and relying only on sensation that goes through the stretched condom material. They have lots of silicone lube in them, too, to better help movement inside at the head. Another bonus, since they are wider, there's no 'receptacle' tips and if you're a heavy cummer, there's lots of room for cum without it leaking. Secondly, try the Okamoto condoms - some of them are reallllly thin, but I have a real hard time getting them on - the fit is pretty tight for me. I liked their Real Fit and Skinless brands. You're playing with fire pulling out. Do you really want to be 70 with a kid in college??
Oh thanks! I just looked them up. They look interesting. Yes, part of the problem is I don't feel anything since nothing is moving against the sensitive skin, so I lose erection and can't finish. Secondly, she hates the feeling of a condom I side her. So, it still may not work. Maybe worth a try. What's the difference between Ecstacy condom and Double Ecstacy? It just looks like extra lubricant. I have to see if they come in sizes. I tried Okamoto, maybe it was.. 001? I forget. I tried a few ultra thin,. 001,. 004, but they are so tight I can hardly get it on. I think they are too small. For me, too tight and small, I think I coild t get it on at all a few times and then couldn't get it down all the way. To me thin doesn't matter because still it's not skin to skin, so it won't feel any different to me. I tried lambskin and they move a little, provide more room for movement but again, it disnt work for us. She said it felt like she had a plastic bag inside her. Condoms suck for both partners, any way you slice it. Maybe just use the morning after pill. True, been pulling out for 3 years. My last partner was still having her period but was never able to get pregnant when she was younger and tried. My current partner had a difficult time getting pregnant, it took them years and needed help. My urologist says chances of us getting pregnant are so remote, but you never know! We would go the abortion route if so. There are options. The tough part now is that we either do the pull out or don't have intercourse and then the relationship would fail. I don't want to just do manual and oral and not have intercourse with her. That is, unless, we find a condom that allows me to maintain an erection and for the both of us to not lose interest. With the current crop of condoms we have tried, our relationship would probably fall apart and that's scary. We need to have that connection and intimacy.
Condoms suck, but it is what it is. With the Ecstasy, I've only used the Magnums but it looks like doubles have different lube inside and outside. There are a few 'large' Okamoto products, but I think their large means our normal. The 0.01's are made of different material, not latex, and don't stretch as much, not a big fan of those - and still way tight and impossible to get on, especially in a hurry and in the dark...... Order a few on ebay or amazon and try them out.
I tried okamoto 001 but they are really small. They sell large but even they are super tight. You have to import from Japan and shipping I saw is about $30. That's insane. They are the only thing that worked once or twice.
Get Okamoto condoms on ebay. They have "big boy" size, but I don't know if they are as thin. I used to use the latex 'real fit' or 'skinless' style - they fit around the head with no floppy tip - the easiest way to get them on was to unroll them first, squeeze the air out, put a little lube on me or in it and just slide it on. Takes a little planning, yeah, but the others are so thick, why bother. Practice. The polyurethane 001 types are thin, but they do not stretch and are way too small, and I could never get them to unroll over me. Condoms suck. FDA says to be officially marketed in the US, they need to be so thick..
The funniest one that I have heard was the guy who told me that the cheapest way was to wrap it up in cling film.
Let's see, having a kid costs about a million bucks over 20 years. A box of condoms seems pretty reasonable to me.....
By the reactions of most here on someone getting pregnant, it seems like a lot of people here don't believe in abortion LOL. On the very very slim chance that I ever get pregnant, abortion all the way.