Lie back, smoke a bowl and turn on a beatles track. Feel the love! Right now I'm listening to "Back in the USSR". Awesome song, just like all the other Beatles songs. This is a Beatles tribute thread, so discuss anything and everything Beatles! Peace&Love
Rocky Raccoon checked into his room Only to find Gideon's bible Rocky had come equipped with a gun To shoot off the legs of his rival His rival it seems had broken his dreams By stealing the girl of his fancy Her name was Magil and she called herself Lil But everyone knew her as Nancy Now she and her man who called himself Dan Were in the next room at the hoe-down Rocky burst in and grinning a grin He said Danny boy this is a showdown But Daniel was hot, he drew first and shot And Rocky collapsed in the corner, ah ------------------------------------- you gotta love lyrics like that
Are you in the pen or somethin? Struck for smokes? Oh yeah, the topic, Abbey Road all at once is fucking killer.
Hey, speaking of The Beatles... I would love you all forever if you go to and watch his video update. The lastest one is from April 29th, 2004. The man is a riot! I love him!
What are your favorite Beatles songs? It would be easier for me to list the ones that aren't my favorites (Penny Lane, Because, We Can Work It Out, and a couple of others).
Yep, definitely easier to list songs I don't care for as much; it's a smaller list. But my all-time favorite has to be "I Want You (She's So Heavy)".
My favourite band, even though I generally prefer harder rock. I tend to listen to their earlier recordings more. Its always a joy to put five of those early albums in the changer on a sunny day and hit random. Makes me feel great.
YES! Excellent choice! That and "Helter Skelter" are my favorite "hardcore" Beatles songs. <3 Did you guys see the Abbey Road thread in this forum? The whole issue about Paul's cigarette on the album cover? So trite.
I loveeeeeee the song Eleanor Rigby! I also like the song lady madonna. Let it be and yesterday both make me cry...I don't know why. My favorite CD is actully one they didn't put together(at least I don't think any of the members did)...I like the CD "1" because it has all the best songs on one cd so I can just hit the skip without having to take one cd out and putting another in. The Beatles were great *sigh* Oh yea while we are on the topic... I love Paul the most lol
Ooh, yeah, Helter Skelter is good too! I have been on this huge Abbey Road kick lately...I need to stop neglecting the other albums! I didn't see the thread about that. What was it about his cig? Just...because he had one?
The back end of Abbey Road is simply perfect and unlikely to be bettered in an album. Sgt. Pepper is a wonderful concept album, with Revolver not far behind. Don't like much of their early stuff (bit too poppy) but from Revolver onwards is all good.
I love the Beatles. My favorite Beatles songs are (in no order) : Across the Universe (the version off of Past Masters II, not the Let it Be version) Norwegian Wood I'm Only Sleeping Here Comes the Sun Strawberry Fields Forever I could keep listing song after song, I agree it's easier to list the songs you don't really care for. Personally I much prefer the Rubber Soul and after Beatles.
Yeah. Well, in all the new Abbey Road covers they've edited out the cigarette in Paul's hand. I'll bump the thread so you can read it.