The Beat Goes On In the Country of the Blind Discovering humility in Libertarian Paradise, Is as unlikely as discovering a hen with teeth! In reality, reality remains stranger than fiction, Might as well be True for all practical purposes! In the far away land of the country of the blind! Drums keep pounding, a rhythm to my brain, The mad shaman, dancing around the fire! While the beat goes on the beat goes on, Prepared minds are prepared to open, The heart alone yet beats in silence! Remaining hidden in the darkness, Our love and humor, may survive! The beat goes on the beat goes on, The Charleston, was once the rage, But, forever history turns the page! Charging to censor the mass media! Charging to censor, your workplace! Charging, to censor any trolls online! Charging extra to know the real score, Charging, to stop obnoxious robocalls, Charging to chase off anyone homeless. Charging to clean up, everybody’s trash! Charging to bill everyone for billing them, Charging to silence everybody protesting! While, the beat goes on, the beat goes on! Drilling a migraine, right into all our brains! Beat cops, beating up their neighborhoods, Forever pounding away at everyone’s skull! Pepper spray, is so much more photogenic! Choreographed in the name of true freedom! Heads all pounding to the ceaseless rhythm! But the beat goes on, the beat continues on, Forming their own line dance, in goosestep! Dancing just as fast as is humanly possible, Pausing, only to collect everyone’s cameras! Perfecting the moonwalk you could stumble, Positive, only guilty feet ain’t got no rhythm! Goosestepping down roads all paved in gold, It ain’t my revolution, if you can’t dance to it! It ain't my revolution, if my spirit cannot sing! But the beat goes on the beat always goes on, The drums of war never inspire graceful steps! Marching to the sound of a different drummer! Listening to the voice of any regimented muse! In the faraway land, of the country of the blind, Freestyle dancing is always carefully regulated, Dancing by yourself, is the only real alternative! So long as, privacy remains on sale, at Walmart! AI and quantum computing, are the next big thing! Freedom, on sale now at Walmart, at low-low prices! Whenever reality TV and Professional Wrestling are real! In Libertarian Paradise, its illegal to vote for Mickey Mouse! And the beat goes on, the beat goes on, without any end in sight! Eternally punching holes through every mind, body, psyche, and soul! You say you want a revolution, you know, we all want to change the world! Because without heart, your revolution ain't nothin' but another angry mob! (Sony and Cher, Emma Goldman, George Michael, Beatles)
A small disclaimer is called for here. I've never, not in my entire life, ever been anything remotely like a political animal, however, I certainly sympathize with those who are. This poem is a good example of how assertive militant pacing can lend more meaning to a poem and lend it to song lyrics and rap music, which is particularly political. Rap music isn't my specialty, but sharing words and ideas is what Oneness poetry is all about. Without an antagonist, the protagonist is meaningless, and the two create their own rhythm, allowing me to stress music and rhythm as the source of yin-yang dynamics in the poetry. Like most of poems I post here, this one could use more work, but this is the basic poem I'll tweak as I see fit.