An article that summarizes autoimmune diseases and the rapid increase in incidence that has occurred over a few decades in industrialized countries. The Autoimmune Epidemic: Bodies Gone Haywire in a World Out of Balance Scientists worldwide puzzle over an alarming rise in the rates of autoimmune disease, while the media remain mute. By Donna Jackson Nakazawa / Touchstone/Simon & Schuster March 18, 2008, 9:00 PM GMT
How long have they been going on about superbugs, how they were going to make antibiotics useless and wipe out the planet.....20 years A superbug pandemic, Global warming, self driving cars, AI, a language translation program that actually friggin works....I wont see any of these in my lifetime
Could it be from all the GMO foods and/or vaccinations? Of course not. The corporations have a stranglehold over these lying government organizations who act like this is all some mystery. They know why this is happening.
Part of the problem is people being too "clean"... If you try to germ proof yourself and your environment with antibacterial cleaning products your immune system can't handle it when it does come into contact with something.
Autoimmune diseases are unfortunately no stranger to me. A lot of professionals stress how important healthy gut is, in connection to various autoimmune diseases.
That's one of the hypotheses that's been posited, that it may not necessarily be environmental agents but rather a lack of them that is causing the problem. 'Dirt Is Good': Why Kids Need Exposure To Germs July 16, 20175:00 AM ET Lulu Garcia-Navarro
AIDS is germ warfare Fact: AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a man-made, genetically engineered virus that was deliberately introduced into the human population. It not a venereal disease, nor did not originate from monkeys. It can never be cured by a vaccine and the spread of AIDS is not prevented by condoms. AIDS virus was predicted, requested, produced and deployed through Medical Injection Programs. Hotwater
That from you or the book? HIV isnt the worst of the worst anyways. How some of these influenza strains will mutate over decades to get around contiued vaccinations in the first world, is probably whats going to give us our first real epidemic since WWI. Or the Zombie Virus
Watching these 2 videos offer great insight into the origins of aids and ebola Hotwater
Ok, lets for a moment say thats true. An artificially modified version of either virus in the 1970s doesnt mean both versions of either virus havent been around for millions of years
True but what we do know is the united states contracted Litton Bionetics a subsidiary of the Litton Industry and a major biological weapons contractor to develop agents which included the production of AIDS-Like and Ebola-like immune system destroyers. Hotwater
To eliminate the threat posed by the worlds poorest nations in central africa? You are starting to sound like PR and his thermite hot dogs 9/11 theories They can map one strain down to one point in time at one place in africa if evidence still survives today, but they still have no idea how many times it mutated and died off before that. We may never know where HIV originated, just like we may never know where homosapiens originated
[SIZE=11pt]Assume for a moment that AIDS/HIV or Ebola doesn’t exist out there in some natural reservoir like fruit bats or monkeys. The very idea that the US government spent millions of dollars to create bioweapons [/SIZE]which decimate the immune system and [SIZE=14.6667px]mimics[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] these viruses is a travesty. [/SIZE] Hotwater
This thread has gone off-topic and should be moved to the conspiracy or politics room. AIDS is not an autoimmune disease. It is caused by a virus that comprimises the immune system to the extent that the body can no longer defend itself against infections and opportunistic diseases damage the body. Viral infections in general are not autoimmune diseases. In contrast, autoimmmune diseases are a condition in which the immune system itself attacks the body.