The Art of The Deal

Discussion in 'Politics' started by roccobkln, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. roccobkln

    roccobkln Members

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    Trump likes referring to himself as a great negotiator and deal maker. I can't think of any meaningful deal he’s made during his presidency. In fact, it's just the opposite. He promised to repeal Obamacare and failed, he promised to build a wall and get Mexico to pay for and failed. He promised an infrastructure plan and failed. He promised to address the opioid crisis and failed. He promised to change gun control laws and failed. He promised a great tax plan for the middle class and failed. The list goes on and on. He's good at breaking deals that lessen Americas influence around the world. Our closest allies don't trust or respect him and are making new alliances without him. He promised to denuclearize North Korea, and is destined to fail because they will never give them up. The list goes on and on, and if anyone can point to one meaningful success please share it with me.
    Okiefreak and soulcompromise like this.
  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    He charges the taxpayers a lot of money everytime he goes golfing at one of his own golf courses... (Not that this is a good thing, but he's getting rich by being pres)
  3. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    He reminds me of working with car salesmen. He's the best at everything but it's all about you and what his greatness can do to get you the deal. In fact he's such a nice guy he's going to get you that deal today and it will be the best deal. The manager does not even know about this deal but I'm going to do it anyway because it's you America. Although he has no real success he's always in a suit and tie and always talking the part. And the second you leave him alone he's doing all he can to fuck you and sweeten the deal for himself.
    Okiefreak, roccobkln and snowtiggernd like this.
  4. lode

    lode Banned

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    I think to has fan base, outraging the rest of the country means he's a success, regardless of any objective achievements.
    roccobkln likes this.
  5. Existensile

    Existensile Member

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    Frank Sinatra told Donald Trump to 'go f--k himself,' says former manager in new book - NY Daily News

    My favorite Trump anecdote:

    But during the election campaign, media basically reprinted Trump's own press releases: businessman, deal maker, negotiator. Apparently, there was some hazy belief among the media hounds that a Pres'y would change Trump.

    What's telling to me from that Sinatra tale is that Trump will still do biz w/ the guy who tried to strangle him. CoS Kelly might try that if he wants to keep his job.
  6. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    People love to hate Trump.

    I see him as merely another actor on the world stage.

    It's kind of funny to see him piss off the left, but it's also sad to see where this is all heading, because the system WANTS to create division and polarity. The people who administer both sides of the phony left/right debate will use this to their advantage.
  7. egger

    egger Member

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    Used car salesman scene from the 1973 film American Graffiti.

  8. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    If Trump didn't exist someone would have to invent him. Then change their mind. I thought the whole NWO agenda was about fostering some kind of pliant and docile population, all dancing to the tune of the end of politics and history. In a word faux socialism for the masses and plutocracy for the ruling elite. This to me is what Hilary represented which is why I didn't like her. But along comes Trump and throws a spanner into the NWO hoax. Globalisation seems suddenly off balance and we are seeing an increasingly polarised world. I'm not on either side but am in favour of a civilization that has diversity, local colour and somewhere for me to disappear. So what's it to be.
  9. Damn, who are these people
  10. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Great question.

    I can tell you what I think, and you certainly don't have to agree with me.

    Indeed, from a face value perspective, it would appear the globalists hate Trump and want to bring him down. But I believe this is merely the perception they have created to fuel this narrative. The media attacking Trump gives him the appearance of being anti-establishment, but when you look at the people he has lined his cabinet with, you see anti-establishment is not what Trump is, but rather an actor or figurehead playing the role of a maverick who shoots from the hip and says whatever is on his mind with no regard to what is politically correct. This is what makes him so extremely popular and loved by his supporters, many of which are truly sick of the bullshit of American politics, and rightfully so. Trump, it would seem, goes against everything the system is pushing in terms of globalism, political correctness and open borders.

    I believe they needed to give traditional, disillusioned America (not necessarily conservative America) a person who said everything they wanted he hear to bring them back into the hoax of politics and voting. To divert people from the truth by offering a glimpse of the truth in order to sell a big lie. Many people were getting tired of the typical Democrat/Republican discourse, so they needed to change things up a bit to draw people who had distanced themselves from politics back into lie by giving them somebody who seemed to really offer something different.

    I can see why people like Trump, just as well as I can see as why people hate him.

    I think the main reason the elite wanted Trump as opposed to Hillary is because they can get so much more done under Trump in terms of the Middle East/War on Terror agenda, as well as the police state agenda at home. Trump is a war president. Of course Hillary is a warmonger, too, but they could not sell the agenda to the public as well as they can with Trump. Sometimes you have to go two steps backward to go one step ahead so to speak.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2018
  11. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    The people the media doesn't talk about, who control the banking and political system which own the politicians and can make/break elections.
  12. Our prime minister, for example, doesn't even make a statement without checking with his EU bosses...who are, again, not actually in charge.
    I have quite a few friends in Bruxelles, working within the EU Parliament and other EU institutions.
    A lot of decision making is just lobbying by big companies and different influential people.
    As they always tell me...real deals and decisions are not made in the parliament.
    We don't know shit.

    You stay you, PR.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2018
    Pressed_Rat likes this.

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