We get visited by an alien race, their civilization is 100,000 years more advance then us Back at their homeworld there are a trillion of them. What do you imagine those trillion spend most of their time doing, day in day out for every day of one of their years? I wont copy and paste any quasi scientific or religous lists of states of consciousness Just simply divide them here as: Hidden: Any part of your existance you are unaware of, regulating bodily functions etc. Anything to do with anything or anyone you cant currently see, touch, hear, smell Unconscious: Sleep/Dreaming Awake: Anything you can do or interact with that you are aware of How is a kitten playing with a ball of string or you enjoying a really good cup of coffee not as good as it gets as far as the value of being conscious, being alive How is the existance of that kitten playing with a ball of string less important than any one of those trillion far more advanced aliens, or 7.6 billions humans or anything they may do
Reminds me of this concept from my group communication class over the summer: Anyway... I'd bet that this alien race spends most of their time working toward a common goal of some sort. Is my answer with the direction of the thread, or did I miss the point? I don't know if I answered right.
......or.....watching netflix, arguing about politics on internet message boards, ordering pizza, masturbating
Diving the time between lesiure activities, life-sustaining activities, and probably some sort lf rest. Slightly more efficiently than us.
Mental parataxis, complicated by prefrontal brain damage and a dicky heart. Subject to falling fatally in love with intelligent beautiful young women. A case of the pleasures of retention raised to the level of creativity. Arch bullshiter of the highest degree and self-confessed cleptomaniac. I ask for exoneration good Sir.
Assuming a materialist viewpoint and that consciousness is relegated to an embodied organism, I'm going use "apex of consciousness" as meaning the highest ability of an entity to control it's environment. Some things that come to mind are they have the ability to control autonomic functioning: they remove waste without having to go to the bathroom, can control heart rate (or the equivalent), can regulate breathing, etc. If they have a gestation, they have found a way to make it the shortest term as possible to produce healthy offspring or they produce offspring outside their bodies and utilize something akin to "von neumann machines" of always improving on the future generations. They don't kill their own species... The rest of my ideas would probably mirror Advanced Type Civilizations represented in the Kardashev scale and it's dervatives. These civilizations essentially have total control of the domains of their respective type: Type I : Planetary Civilization Type II: Stellar (Star) Civilization Type III: Galatic Civilization
No they gave up on all that and just practiced Krishna Consciousness and were reincarnated on Krishnaloka. Chant and be happy, for now is the time to be jolly.
Are you saying I dont have to feel guilty about taking a full day to just Netflix and chill on occasion If the aliens are doing it.. When in Rome. When on planet X