Hi all, lovely day. :sunny: Just wanted to share something, many of you probably are aware of these amazing creatures, but for you who dont.... take a look : scientific name: Tardigrades also known as waterbears. These guys are supertough. They can survive heat beyond being boiled, 151 °C (304 °F) and at the other end of the scale, almost absolute zero: −200 °C (-328 °F) Entering a state of suspended animation they can live 10 years at a time without food or water, and then bounce back again. Again entering this state when needed. The Tardigrades can also withstand pressure of 6,000 atmospheres and 1,000 times more radiation than other animals. They can take 6,200 doses of gamma rays where 5 to 10 gamma rays could be fatal to a human. These creatures are also the only ones we know of that can survive the vacume of space. So my random thought of today..... They must surley be from space! There would be no reason for the nature to let the Tardigrades develop these powers if they come from earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W194GQ6fHI"]First Animal to Survive in Space - YouTube
OMG...those are some strange looking creatures...... Are they real or man's experiments? I heard of places where experimentations are going on and freakish beings are bing made....as in that case of the monster looking creature that washed up in LI.....off of one of the experimental facilities....I have to wonder now.....
I mean man has breed dogs into so many different types......on purpose.... so in essence, man has already been playing god, right? However, I do know some strange things are out there from nature like the star faced mole....so these could be real, too.
Wow.. I like them. I think! I wouldn't want to be swimming some place though and run into one of those things...
so in summation, after watching the video, if we wiped ourselves out with something, these little Tardigrades might survive it all....hmmmm, fascinating, indeed.....
thats nice and all. how do you communicate with it? Have you ever tried to communicate with the bees and ants?... How will we communicate with the Aliens when we are bees and ants to them?..
well they are large enough to be barely visible without a microscope, so i wouldn't worry too much about it. they are "real." their genetic ancestor is thought to have branched off from our own evolutionary line about 590 million years ago. i don't think it's scientifically valid to conclude that they must have evolved in outer space, just because they can survive a vacuum. i can easily imagine other natural selection pressures that would influence them to be able to do so.
These are what must be crawling on my skin when I sometimes come in from the outside and can't see anything....LOL