Yeah, I was looking thru my old files, and I found this. George W. Bush, for those of you old enough to remember, was elected in 2000. And since his father, George Bush, Sr. was president too, many saw parallels between him and the other father-and-son presidents, the Adamses. Anyways, here is what I found, for the eerie coincidences between the two. And someone else on the internet found some too. My "Furthermore..." indicates where my list trails off, and theirs begins. Yeah, what do you all think is responsible for coincidences? I'd really appreciate some feedback. In any event, please read: THE ADAMS/BUSH...COINCIDENCES? ⦁ These were the only presidents to follow one another as father-and-son presidents. ⦁ Both couples were differentiated by a middle name or initial. Both father-presidents were VP's of charismatic conservatives that came before them, and were followed by charismatic leaders of the opposing party(both named "Jefferson")--each father serving just one term. ⦁ Both fathers started into a new decade and had a son start into a whole new century. ⦁ Adams' "A" is before Bush' "B". ⦁ George Bush, Sr. and John Adams, Sr. were both born in Norfolk County, Massachusetts. ⦁ Both sons had a VP whose last name began with a "C" and a wife whose first began with a "L". ⦁ Fate must not like sons to follow their fathers as pres., because neither son had a majority of the country's support—John Q. Adams was elected by our Congress! Furthermore... ⦁ Both sons have the same first name as their father, yet neither is a “junior.” ⦁ Both sons failed to receive a plurality of the popular vote in their elections. ⦁ Both fathers served only one term. ⦁ Both sons married a woman whose first name starts with the letter “L” and ends with the letter “A.” ⦁ Both fathers ran for a second term, but was defeated by a southerner. ⦁ Both sons were elected over a Tennessean whose first name starts with the letter “A” and has six letters. ⦁ Both sons were born in July. ⦁ Both fathers attended an Ivy League University. ⦁ Both sons attended the same University their fathers did. ⦁ Both fathers immediately succeeded to the office of President. ⦁ Both sons have six letters in their middle names. ⦁ Both sets of Presidents come from political families. ⦁ Bush had a secretary named Adams, and Adams had a secretary named Bush. ⦁ ETC.?
I don't know where else to put this, so I'll put it here. Remember John Kerry's run for president? Yeah, I'm trying to forget it too. But it did create some interesting internet buzz at the time. Enjoy: The John Kerry/John Edwards -- John Kennedy – Abraham Lincoln coincidences 1. John Kerry has the same initials as John Kennedy. (John F. Kerry & John F. Kennedy) 2. There is a double "r" in Kerry and a double "n" in Kennedy. 3. Kerry and Kennedy begins with "k" and end with "y". 4. Kennedy was born Massachusetts. Kerry represents Massachusetts. 5. Kennedy was Roman Catholic. Kerry is Roman Catholic. 6. People are saying that both John Kerry and John Edwards remind them of John and Robert Kennedy. 7. John Edwards gre up in Robbins, NC. The first letters are also short for Robert. 8. Kennedy has 7 letters and Edwards has 7 letters. 9. John Kennedy was a senator before being elected president and both Edwards and Kerry are senators. 10. There are a total of 3 senators running for president. (John Edwards, John Kerry & Joseph Lieberman) John Kennedy's father was named "Joseph". 11. John Kennedy's brother is named "Edward" Kennedy and he is endorsing John Kerry. 12. Edwards and Kerry both have the same first name (that's two Johns) John Kennedy's son was known as "John-John". 13. John Kennedy was known as "Jack". John Edwards has a son named "Jack". 14. John Kennedy had a sister named "Kathleen". John Edwards has a daughter named "Cathrine". 15. John Edwards has a mother named "Bobbie" and a father named "Wallace". Robert or "Bobby" Kennedy ran for president against George "Wallace" in 1968. 16. John Kennedy had a sister named Eunice "Mary" Kennedy. John Kennedy's mother was named Rose "Elizabeth" Fitzgerald. John Kennedy had a sister named Jean "Ann" Kennedy. The middle names of these women are the names of John Edward's wife. "Mary Elizabeth Anania Edwards". 17. Abraham Lincoln's Sister-in-law was also named "Elizabeth Edwards" Lincoln Wife was named "Mary Ann Lincoln" 18. Abraham Lincoln had two sons named “Robert” and “Edward” Robert (Lincoln’s son) married “ Mary Eunice Harlan” John Kennedy’s sister was named “Eunice Mary Kennedy” 19. (Lincoln’s son) Robert’s 2nd son Abraham was known as “Jack” just as John Kennedy and John Edward’s son. 20. Robert Kennedy had a daughter named Mary "Kerry" Kennedy. 21. The wives of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy spoke fluent French. John Kerry's wife speaks fluent French. 22. Going to the moon was brought up during the Kennedy years. Going to the moon was brought up during John Edwards and John Kerry's campaign. 23. The two NFL teams that have made it to the 2004 super bowl are the Carolina Panthers of North Carolina and the New England Patriots of Massachusetts. John Edwards is senator for North Carolina and John Kerry is senator for Massachusetts. And, my idea: 24. Andrew Jackson (who came after John Q. Adams [cf. the Adams-Bush Coincidences]) looks just like John Kerry, with his wild hair, and rectangular face (and other facial similarities). I thought for this reason, John Kerry would beat George W. Bush in 2004 (when Bush ran for reelection). But he didn't.