I can relate to this. I hated jobs that started late. I have always been a early rise and work sort of guy. Yet coworkers would struggle so much. Brain Scans Reveal Why "Night Owls" Have It Rough in a 9-to-5 Society | Inverse
i've never in my life encountered a 9 to 5 job. not just that i haven't had one, i don't think i've ever known anybody that had one. pretty much every shift you can possibly imagine is out there. i don't know where the idea comes from that everyone works 9 to 5. personally, i think 9 to 5 would be a pretty perfect schedule. 10 to 6 is slightly preferable, but it's close. if i had kids, 9 to 5 would probably be better.
It suits me. Although i qualify as a night owl I prefer 8 to 4 above 9 to 5 or 10 to 6. You have a bit of an afternoon that way
This study seems to support an idea I heard and mentioned in another thread, in regards to our evolutionary success. That is that the collective of most mammals usually follow a rigid sleep pattern, being either: diurnal, nocturnal or crepuscular but humans developed to have segments of the population awake throughout the day and night.