Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all say the same thing basically. Jews- there has never been a man who is god's chosen but there will be. Love your fellow man and don't steal or murder. Christian- That man was named Jesus. Love your fellow man and don't steal or murder. Islam- Jesus was a good man. We admit he was real but this Mohamed guy is the guy.Love your fellow man and don't steal or murder. Yet between these 3 we have the reasons for a majority of the wars and hatred in history. My god is not your god so you must die. I think this is on purpose. The elite have their own religion which predates all 3 and we are meant to fight ourselves. If we don't kill each other we might seek to team up and see other issues in society. What do the rich do then? They need you to work for their lifestyle. They need you to worship capatilsim so much you can not see its flaws. You need to think that the death of another puts you in heaven. In my own country I am reminded daily how much Christians hate Muslims yet at the same time how they don't understand what Muslims actuly believe. They sure they think they understand yet also don't don't understand how the violence they claim is true is also endorsed in the Bible. In general the Middle Easy was a pretty violent and uncaring place in those days. It's probably why Jesus's ideas were so crazy at the time. His father says I can and should murder my neighbor if he works on Sunday and that if rape a women I need only pay her father silver. Then Jesus says don't do these things and people are like "what is this shit?" We need to move past these religions. They only harm society. I don't think they should be illegal. That gets into some personal freedoms I like. We just need a goverment more like European nations in the USA. You are welcome to like Jesus but the country does not have a religious goverment.
... ... ... True “Christianity” is NOT a religion. It’s a spiritual journey of love, healing, hope, discovery, and deliverance unlike any human words or emotions can even begin to describe. Does part of that journey include congregating with others to share common practices that purely secular people would call “religious practices” ... ... sure I suppose so. But people need to wake up. Finding Jesus is is not a “religious” experience. It’s a deeply profound sacred spiritual experience that will completely transform an entire existence, even the most wretched ones (mine included) into a hopefully optimistic peaceful one.
Just based on the summerization of Islam scripture by the OP I'd have to consider asking whether, as an American citizen themself, if they actually know what Islam is either. I'm going to say, no. Not based off the information they have provided. No.
Greed for power and money and the fear of losing it corrupts religion and humans. If you and yours can prosper and be safe at the expense of others... you should. Otherwise those others will. This kind of fear.
I have to agree with you there! Have you ever read Political Islam by Bill Warner? He points out all the ways in which Islam isn't even a religion, but more so a political doctrine - and a violent and terrible one at that. The vast majority of their holy text is about achieving political power will very little time spent talking about actually praying. It gets horrifying on so many levels. It isn't just Islam though... I notice all the religions out of the desert are self-centered and well, I'd just say evil.
this is why i believe, whatever god or gods there are, have nothing to do with this whole religion thing and are completely innocent of it. if they or it are good, in any sense of the word good, they'd kinda pretty much have to be.
Religions as well as wars are all manmade. All 'religious' wars are partly about earthly concerns and fears about 'the other' and how 'they' may take advantage over 'us'.
Anyone who calls themselves a religious person yet hates anyone...has ZERO idea of what religion is. GOD gave man rules to follow in order to have an awesome life. Yet the very people who claim to serve GOD are the one who are the biggest breakers of those rules. The god of this world...the devil...wants everyone to do away with rules. Much easier to control people if they hate rules and doing what is right. Jesus does not exist...There is no "J" in the Hebrew language. His real name is "Yeshua". Even a simple thing as a name we cannot keep right. Always changing what is right, for what is wrong...and the god of this world is happy.
I disagree. Religious or not, circumstances and experiences can make one hate another person just fine. You're entitled to your (religious) beliefs, naturally. But no, those rules are also manmade. What makes you believe the 'god of this world' is the devil? Sounds like he does/did exist, people just got his name wrong. Do you cease existing if people get your name wrong (or even forget it? ). Case rested
2 posts from people who don't know anything either. And one of them is a Nazi so gee what a shock white rights and hating Islam. In other news water is wet.
Do you feel insulted and want to return the favor or do you really think Irmi or VG is a neonazi? Although I disagree with your conclusion, I think your very short summary in the OP of what islam is actually quite good. Better than making it sound like a terrorist organisation. In some ways Islam is a (not THE) religion of peace. But you see yourself this clashes with your conclusion the abrahamic religions are created/exist for war.
its not three religions, its three successive iterations of the same religion, approximately a thousand years apart between updates. nor is islam the most current of them, the faith of baha'u'llah is, nor is jewdaism the earliest, that goes back to what all three misleadingly call first man or adam, who was really the first manifestation, which is a human person chosen by a god to channel it to other humans. they certainly weren't created FOR war. they were either created by the same god or god-like being, or created by humans out of despiration, to discourage bullying, take your pick. that each have been used as excuses for the exact opposite of their unambiguous intended purpose, can be blamed directly on the human ego, and the romanticizing and rewarding of aggressiveness.
All religions vie for control and authority. Whether or not the religion succeeds or fails becomes a life or death issue.
that's only the self proclaimed fanatics who refuse to read the fine print. the universe of beliefs is a whole lot wider then THAT "all".
Islam and Christianity are the fastest growing religions in the world today, with Islam much more popular in third world countries. Christianity has proven to be helpful in third world countries establishing modern economies, but is rapidly spreading in China today among life-long avowed atheists. Many of them insist that Christianity has a proven track record of fighting corruption in their own capitalist governments. Basically, religions only survive where they actually support the people and the government, with religions such as Islam being famous for compelling the wealthy to share their wealth with the people during times of drought or severe economic hardship. Notably, the thriving democracies in the world today are largely secular, with most of their population merely describing themselves as spiritual or agnostic, and supporting their governments more due to their governments actually providing serious social programs. Thus, the solution to reducing the influence of religion in the world today, is to provide people with good government. The problem is, the largest export of the largest exporter in the world, the US, is weapons. People can't buy weapons fast enough, and they are an even better hedge against drought and economic downturns than religion. Hence, the most religious country in the developed world, by far, is the US which also exports the most weapons and has the worst social record of any developed country by far. I suppose you could compare religion to gambling. When ya got nothing, ya got nothing to lose, and studies have indicated that children who attend church services in the poorest neighborhoods tend to thrive better in the long run. Very likely because they actually learn at least a little something about how to share and play nice and develop what psychologists call "resilience". An example of resilience is a soldier on the battlefield looking at a letter or photograph from a loved one. Such simple acts as sharing a sense of humor can make all the difference in the world, when life threatens to drag you down into the black hole of Calcutta. Without resilience, you can spend years instead of days getting over something like that. Everyone has their breaking point, and religion is definitely about there being no atheists in fox holes. Whether you believe in a God or not, it can't hurt to pray once in a while.
Irm is a Nazi in the modern way. They don't wear a Swastika but they HATE the culture that says Nazism was wrong and prefer to support "their culture". For white Americans this means they have a fetish for German culture or white Europe in general. She has a direct connection to that. She said she resented the shaming culture of the second world war since her family served so it was not really what I said it was. It was a thing of honor. That's a Nazi. Being this way is better then one who is too sensitive. I told her before come to a ICP gathering and say half the things she has said on here. See if her fellow Juggalos don't beat her. I've been to one. 2 things were not tolerated racism and drugs like heroin. Otherwise everyone was a freak and that was OK.
I always love how you clump all white Americans in the racist pool..complete bull crap!! I am white and have a great tolerance for all races and beliefs!! I have spent along time studying the Nazi movement,not for any love of culture but rather I believe in understanding something..without knowledge one is just foolishly spouting crap