THC Tincture Info

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by hahaha04, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    So today a friend gave me so raspberry flavored THC tinc. I dosed some sublingually. Later on but some on cigars when rolling couple blunts. Also had a cig with some.

    It is nice pretty mellow, and real nice with a fat blunt. I have yet to mix it in a bowl, looking forward to trying with a bong. It is pretty weak not a super concentrated one but get job done.

    Do you guys use and enjoy it?

    Fav way to use? Also has anyone used it in an ecig as I heard it works as far milder kinda like wax would work in a pen not same high but u get what I mean.

    Post some experiences,tips, and whatever else. I'm eager to learn!
  2. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Usually a tincture is geared more towered medical relief and less to a high at least in my area. So yes like you noticed they are not too strong. But I am talking about the dispensary made ones. You could easily make a potent one. Did your friend make this at home or did it come from a medical state?

    You should be able to put some in a pen if you want but I don't know about a Ecig. I have never used one of those.

    I don't use them too much because I am trying to get stoned but I do buy this oil that comes in a syringe at my local dispensary. That stuff will get you super baked, I decided to see how much I could eat one day and I ended up almost too high on about 1/4 gram. Oral cannabis can be very satisfying.
  3. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    My friend made it himself. It is really good for pain actually. As someof you know since my recent car accident having some horrible muscle spasms and all day yesterday did not feel anywhere near as much pain :) sorry by ecig I meant like a vape for nicotine or a pen more for bho.

    Good to know it works though.
  4. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Before you go putting it in an ecig, find out what he used as the medium for the tincture. If he used glycerin like many do YOU DO NOT WANT TO SMOKE IT!

    I recently picked up an O-Pen( that uses honey oil in a solution of Polyethylene glycol which is apparently safe. Don't smoke glycerin.
    I have also successfully added some PureGold ( (you can open the oil "tank") to it and it mixes well and smokes awesome.:2thumbsup:

    The tinctures I have gotten at the dispensaries are always strictly for oral use only.
  5. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    I have always been curious but haven't had the opportunity to try it.
  6. Voyage

    Voyage Noam Sayin

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    Nox made good points Haha. But hey Nox, did you feel that Tetra gold stuff was any good?
    I don't know why but every time i see a poster in a dispensary for that stuff i think snake oil. I hadn't tried it cause it seemed way over priced.
  7. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    VERY GOOD :D imho

    It provides a very clean, "psychedelic" type of high, not sedating at all.
    But, if you prefer a more "stoned" effect from smoking, go for the PureGold plus, it has a higher CBD content.
    I prefer the high THC/low CBD products myself because, as you all know, I like the psychedelic effect. :D

    When compared to most BHO/wax around, the price I pay, $30-$35/half gram, is right in line with everything else in that category, and it's 93% cannabinoids, you won't get that purity anywhere else.

    I say try it if it is around $30-$40 for half gram, you may really like it.:2thumbsup:

    oh and it tastes like oranges...:drool5:
  8. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    Ya again to clarify by ecig i meant like a vape for nicotine, which i know u can also put bho in, in some cases, anyway, polyethylene glycomine or maybe the glycol you mentioned, is what he used. not the glycerin. i am gonna be seeing my brother today probably, before he goes Downtown, so ill ask him a bit more so i can come back here a lil more informed.

    @Voyage, or uhhh @anakin forgot who posted it, but yes i have also seen the stuff online and from friends who live closer to you guys than the east coast, the tinc or whatever in the syringes, i heard that stuff is super potent as one of you mentioned. about to go and top a bowl with some, before going to get accupunture and a massage for my damn neck spasms.

    rather have some medicine with THC and some hollistic stuff like massage and accupuncture, than those damn muscle relaxers and opiates...... well i would enjoy opiates but they always lead a dark path.

    sorry for scattered post guys, im a little foggy from yesterday and ate 1mg alprozolam just now as well.
  9. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    and now this talk of wax/bho has ME drooling. it is becoming slightly more prevelant here. but people are charging others out the ass. there is some risk factor bringing it from out west i know that. but would u guys pay 50/g for 'shatter' <--- still not exactly sure what that means, of alien OG wax? comes from same state as you Mr. Anakin
  10. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    yes, that's a fair, average price and depending on the quality, could be fucking incredible deal!
    I have seen "shatter selling for as high as $100 a gram at some places. :eek:
    oh and I think "shatter" is BHO that has been heated so that it becomes glass like and brittle. Keep in mind shatter needs high heat, like a mini torch to smoke well.
  11. Voyage

    Voyage Noam Sayin

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    40-70 / g for tested shatter/wax is about the norm out west. It can be had for 20. Wax is too hard on my throat, if concentrate is what you enjoy it's hard to beat a good ol bho or hash. Hash and kief can be had all over for 10-30 a gram, lab tested even.
  12. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    you should consider trying an O-Pen. I often have to blow a little out just to see if I actually got a hit it is so mellow. :p

    I got mine for $20 for the battery and $25 for half gram cartridges of oil.
    fair prices.:2thumbsup:
  13. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I have seen some news reports on it. People think it is some dangerous new drug because stupid people cause explosions making it. Their mistake is doing it indoors. You need ventilation when making bho. I would bet allot of it is smuggled from a medical state. You need a good deal of trim to make even a few grams. Then you need a safe set up and good quality refined butane which takes money. So unless your growing or know someone who will part with theirs the trim can be hard to come by. But I bet some growers on the east coast are making their own now.

    Before bho got my caregiver would throw his trim out, it was worthless unless maybe you made edibles. Now he realizes how much money he tossed in the trash can. I pay $25 a gram for bho but $50 in a illegal state is not that bad. Some dispensarys here would charge $40-50 for the same gram I get for 25.

    Yeah it's all butane hash. Shatter is just a way to prepare it. It has been vacuum purged to suck the butane out of it. You really don't want to smoke butane. But with well made bho your inhaling less then you would by using a bic lighter to smoke normal weed.

    All hash falls into one of 3 category's water extracted like with bubble hash, butane extracted. Or you can do it middle eastern style and just press the keif.
  14. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Actually if you check it out all the "name brand" oils such as I mentioned now use a CO2 extraction method and not butane.
    Guys doing it in the backyard are using butane, but not the pros.
    CO2 is safer and cleaner with no harmful residuals from the extraction process, but it god awful costly to get the proper equipment to keep the CO2 cold enough to remain liquid throughout the extraction process, we're talking up to $50,000+ just for the set-up.

    one other note;
    all hash falls into 3 methods of production,
    Dry sieving (old school Moroccan style)
    Cold sieving (relatively new,same as above but utilizes dry ice to chill the leaf/flower so the trichomes fall off more readily. its really a fusion of dry sieving and water sieving or separation, commonly known as bubble bag hash or water based.)
    both the above produce a dry powder comprised of mainly the trichomes and minute bits of plant matter, commonly known as kief. This kief is then pressed under pressure into blocks of hashish. This is the oldest, most traditional form of hashish.

    Another method is using ice water and agitation to get the trichomes to separate from the plant matter. As the trichomes contain the plant oils/cannabinoids, they are heavier than water and therefore sink and are easily strained out using different sizes of mesh screens. This method is also pretty old, but wasn't very common until the last couple of decades with the advent and promotion of the "Bubble Bags".

    Those are the types of hash or "concentrate" there are. There are rightly called a concentrate because it is a concentration of the trichomes absent the other plant matter.

    Oils, waxes, tinctures, shatter, all fall under the classification of "Extracts" as the essential oils containing the cannabinoids are "extracted" from the plant matter completely via some type of solvent, IE; butane, all types of alcohol, acetone, chloroform, ether, gasoline, liquid CO2, and since the essential oils are lipid soluble you can also make extracts using certain fats; butter, coconut oil, etc.

    The main defining difference is that with concentrates or "hash" you still have plant matter present in the form of the trichome casings, with an extraction 100% of the plant matter is removed.

    There is one other form that is a combination of an oil extract and dry sieving.
    Take kief and additional bud material that has been ground to a flour like powder, mix that with a quantity of oil until you get a consistency like brownie batter, heat at low temp or let air dry until it is like a solid cake and you have what is known as "oil based" hash.
    Don't see it very often, as it was usually employed as a means of boosting inferior product to try to move it.
  15. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Your right I forgot about CO2

    so much happening in the industry. It's a great time to be a stoner.
  16. Voyage

    Voyage Noam Sayin

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    I have a vape pen that came with an empty cart and got a Eureka cart with it and had the same experience, very smooth and stealthy in public :sunny:
    With the popularity of e-cigs, people don't really take a second look if you're smoking one, I had people comment on it, and say "it doesn't smell like a cigarette". I tell em "cause it's just nicotine and flavor without the tobacco".

    But it never had the effect that good ol hash/kief does. I'll take a nice bowl of quality MJ/hash/kief any day. Well, not today but you get my drift :(
  17. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    Dude i really do. Been smoking few different vape pens and high very different than flower or wax from a rig or whatever. More subtle draw and somehow more euphoric, but I guess that just wax in general?

    On side bar hit some real good wax today. Friend and his little brother bought a nice new rig. Took one dab and was blown! Then had no one to spend time with so I just hung out by myself in town which was fine.
  18. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Confused about the not smoking glycerin thing.. aren't most E-cig flavours glycerin based?
  19. Voyage

    Voyage Noam Sayin

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  20. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Lol... I'm surprised that I'm surprised that people will capitalise on that.

    Inowachoo Sayin.

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