That great city shall become fallen by Putin and Xi backed by Russia's and China's joint military operation. "Rev 14:8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Washington D.C. is that great city." Washington, DC, isn't a state; it's a district. DC stands for District of Columbia. Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, "not exceeding 10 Miles square," would "become the Seat of the Government of the United States." Russia and China will leave their mark by destroying that great city. This is how you receive the mark of the beast by paying attention to the news. The mark (a totally destroyed Wash. D.C.) of the two-horned (Putin and Xi) beast (superpower). A beast is a superpower. That one other beast that will come out of the earth will be joint between Russia and China. They will double-team against Wash. D.C. Wash D.C. won't be buying or selling when it is GONE for good. You all still alive, that watch the big news will receive that mark. Basically you will receive the news that D.C. got destroyed. That mark will be left by Putin and Xi. The number of a man is 18 since you become a man at 18 years old. So 666 means the mark will be put in the news on Feb 18th. The number of his name is JOINT since it is a joint military operation by Putin and Xi. The news media is the right hand. The news media is the foreheads. Putin and Xi will make a new image for themselves after they destroy Wash D.C. In Rev 13 you all "should" be killed if you would not worship that image, but in Rev 14 destruction shall come for them that worship that image. You see, what's left of NATO will retaliate against Russia and China. WW3.
and what is supposed to be so great about cities? we don't live in a universe that was created for humans or even life. 99.999% of everything that physically exists is mineral. haters need to get even a little bit of perspective. (and yes the weaponizing of belief is the hatred and the real evil) sure call anything whatever you want to. its just we don't live in a universe that owes anything to what we tell each other to pretend about what no one knows to begin with. gods? have all the gods you want. the unknown being unknown prevents nothing. but books? anyone can write a book or carve a stone. been doing that for longer then some people want to admit we've existed. why do people even post stuff like that, other then maybe to create excuse for blind hatred that builds nothing and only destroys. those who would throw the first stone, need look no further then themselves for the real blame.
As I remember, John of Patmos wrote that those that didn't get the vaccine, sorry meant mark of the beast could not buy or sell.
Hahaha, what a topic ! Methinx every single city in the world will meet this fate and Beijing and Moscoe are no exceptions. Yes, there might very well be a world nuke war, but without a winner.
all things are possible but the environment is certain. i think cities, the time will come when we outgrow them and just walk away. won't be the furst time people have.
Looking at current proxywars?............i dont think the chinese or russia,are going to kill Washington(US)anytime soon.................maybe later lol Economics/finance/money(atm) rule the world, even Putin and Xi run behind that..............If they kill the West the pretty much kill there own economy and money.I do think China/Xi is the smarter player atm playing the market, slowly building up there army/influence(Asia/Africa)..............not a fan, just saying. Dont really believe in the rapture or armageddon(religion), i do think(longterm) it will probabely get worse..............but also believe/hope we will come better out of it Mzzls
the apocalyps is enviropocalyps. human descendents might survive or not. depends on what we do (but probably very little on what we believe) wars CAN happen TOO, but i don't expect them to be the deciding factor. how many of us there now are, in relation to the rest of life on our planet, is much the larger one, along with our choices and uses of technologies. but even there, population is the multiplier. all cities will be gone. but they are not where or what greatness resides in. if greatness is even a thing that is of any real value, which is questionable at best. all cities will be gone, not mostly by war, if any are in that way, but by abondonment by much reduced populations. tragicly reduced populations by illness compounded by famine. and again all because of enivronmental factors resulting from there being too many of us. not too many to feed, but because of crowding out species diversity, and how the health of the environment depends on it, and how everything we have and are depends more then we realize on that. the science is real. the fantasy excuses for denying and ignoring it, aren't going to save anyone from anything. we can make fantasies real, but that is a seperate thing entirely, and not one of doom. the doom comes from hating logic and consideration, not from things within what people tell each other to pretend, but at least partially from their telling each other to do so. people who want to tell everyone else what to pretend are what make it difficult to express this clearly. i cannot entirely escape believing, this is what at least some of them intend.
It is becoming evident to me that those who control / have controlled -- how life on earth proceeds / has proceeded / is proceeding --ecologically , psychologically, philosophically, militarily, governmentally, tribally, from any point in history or prehistory , are constantly and irrevocably proving that there are a pretty fucking stupid bunch of humans making decisions and a bunch of stupid followers accepting those decisions. As big Dan said in Oh Brother where art Thou---"it's all about the money boys." The constant and forever occurring , internecine struggles for power and control will be the death of most or all of life on earth, IMO. Anyone for chaos, death and destruction? -----Oh, yes please.
Well,i also think nature/planet/universe, will run its course and we people should have more respect(timeline).............a few really big vulcano eruptions, a missed incoming meteorite....... For current satuts que...........We are also nature,the top predator..................................Biggest brain, still learning so slowly..............evolution i guess Mzzls
My conclusion so far is,we are all be are born in the wrong consiousness(time/place/RL)...............and as long as we dont create a surten equality(food/water/roof/education/healthcare(worldwide)), make people really think, give em room/time to think( RL ratrace).Imo that is not going to change soon(my lifetime), unles something big happens.............. And yes,imo current consiousness/society is influenced by a smalll group(Bankers/Big industry,rich) keep/gain luxery and control,and make more virtual money.............. I dont believe in a big conspiracy(illuminaty).................because they seem to overlook some parts(geopolitics/economics). I am as much a sheep as the next(RL).........just lucky to be born here. Mzzls
you do realize, the top predator is the most dependent on the availability of its prey. all predator populations are controlled by it. and when any species population gets out of balance with its environment, nature corrects that imbalance with famine and disease. that's a little more tricky with creative sapience, but we're also vulnerable to every known thing we fail to consider.