hello, thank you so much to everyone who came to the gig last night, Josie was really really good, i really enjoyed his set and i know the audience dug it too nice one man. we had fun too hopefully see you all again soon, it warms the cockles of me heart when hipforumers meet, and especially at such a happy event as last night. claire sorry about the van...*hugs*...we also blew up the bass amp but i don't think that was our fault... oh well. rock on! lots of love... Jaz
like i already told you a hundred times last night......DONT WORRY ABOUT THE VAN!!!!! andy will fix it for me and it will be fine!! you guys were absoloutly amazing. you're really going somewhere! josie - i'm sorry we didnt make it to your set. it was all claires fault!! tulip - hope you got back safe! cant wait to see you all again!! peace and love stardust xxx
wow, the gig was amazing!!!! Meeting all the forumer people was superb and yay for tulip woopeeee! I hope I didn't make too much of a fool of myself. I've just been informed that, yes, I did. Tankus were so brightly coloured wow! the green suit the orange suit the random reggaeish thing that chris was wearing and wowowow. just, wow. listening to tankus cd at the mo trying to recall stuff. oh yeah, josie you really ruled! It's was beautiful hearing you play, my friends kept commenting on your lengthy fingers..wow. they are very long. carlos' pictures were way nice.
Woah the gig was soo great! Yay! Would've loved to hear Josie too, but alas... that didn't happen... I had an ace time heheee... am back home now...
Man, I'm so sorry I missed it. I really want to make it to one of your gigs. I will one day, I promise.....
luchi - you rock my world...more than any gig meng, yeah it rocked! we'll come up and play for yooou tulip- we'll come play in finland as well! sal - and cambridge hahaa - theres a photo in member photos upstairs ^^^ there'll be more soon, naked in black and the jones too i hope jaz
Wow man it was a great gig. It was nice seeing you again after so long. Time and distance really takes its toll on people and my my havnt you changed. Personas still the same but hairs looong and dreaded and ack youv'e grown taller Your brothers band ROCKED!! like heck i've never heared him sing before, and hes really good. (and a big a of a spunk these days tehe) And josie *hugs* it was fantastic having you and Sir Watford (he's been premoted) come to stay. I hope you got to your next place of stay easily. And thank you for the private rendition of your set the night before, your music works so so well in a small tight kind of close way, i think thats because its so personal to you, lot of music doesnt work like that. And you looked and sounded great on stage, its a shame the mic was fluffy when you talked cos i couldnt hear what you esaid but all was clear when you sang and played *hugs*
fantastico cant wait for tankus to come to the charlotte josie josie are you alive? did you get to bexley heath..i felt a little nervous leaving u and watford on the tubey :S hope the journey went ok n that you got up for the mega CHAMPION bus
sorry i haven't replied to this earlier. i've been sleeping every spare moment i've had. i really enjoyed the weekend. mr watford did too, apart from fretting about where we were going to be staying. Jaz, i really enjoyed your set, apart from hey jude...but that's just because i hate that song. it was really nice to see people i hadn't seen for ages again. we'll have to do it again sometime