
Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Grand prix, Nov 25, 2020.

  1. Grand prix

    Grand prix Members

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    On August 8th, I was involved in a pretty bad accident with my side by side( sxs) I have only mentioned this to a select few. The cause of the accident was a mix if fate and stupidity. I took the sxs up a steep climb. When I got to the top I hit the brake and as fate would have it, the pedal went right to the floor. The sxs rolled backwards down the hill and flipped on its side and rolled. Since I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, I was ejected and the sxs rolled over me. That was the stupidity part. Amongst other injuries, I suffered a shattered pelvis and a severed urethra. I spent about 2 months in either the hospital or a nursing/rehab facility. I was confined to either a bed or wheelchair. You lose all shreds of modesty when you have to shit in a bedpan and have someone wipe your ass for you… I had, and still have a catheter that’s plumbed direct, so I piss in a plastic bag. (the plumbing repairs are scheduled for early January). After a lot of determination and physical therapy, I came home October 3rd. I could navigate around the house with a cane. I could manage the steps. Couldn’t do much else but I was home! I could finally drink a few..or several beers with my friends!

    Fast forward to today. Thanksgiving. It's a day of giving thanks (U.S.) Since I got home, I am now full weight bearing. I have been working outside. I’ve mowed grass and mulched up the leaves this fall as planned. I’ve been doing some work in the garage. It’s nice to get my hands dirty again. I got the house ready for winter.

    This year, a lot of people have had their holiday plans disrupted, if not canceled due to the covid, myself included. But instead of feeling sad about missing the normal celebration and overindulgence of a huge dinner, we should all be thinking about what we are thankful for.

    First and foremost, I am thankful that God spared my life that day in early August. Even though I have a lot of hard work in front of me, I am thankful that God blessed me with the determination to recover as far as I have so far.

    I am thankful for the love, prayers, help and support of my family and friends during this challenging part of my life. You are all the greatest!

    I am thankful that I can enjoy some of life’s little pleasures again. Drinking beer around a fire with my friends. Going for drive on a nice day and taking the scenic route home. Eating something that doesn’t taste like hospital food.

    I am thankful for the love and companionship of my dog Apollo. Man’s best friend is truly an understatement.

    And yes…I am thankful that I can once again, wipe my own ass again.

  2. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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  3. Scottishdk

    Scottishdk Senior Member

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  4. Scottishdk

    Scottishdk Senior Member

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    Prix. I am thankful you are still here and on the mend.
    Am thankful for that I can call you my friend.

    Here is my short list.
    I am thankful for

    The friends I have made on here
    My family
    My health
    The love I have in my life.
    The support I get when I need it but also the support I can give to those who need it.
    Those who have been less fortunate or ill but now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

    But most of all I am thankful for my best friend and to have someone like that in my life.

    Be safe everybody and happy thanks giving
  5. Cookie Man

    Cookie Man Senior Member

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    I can relate to a lot you talk about in your post , Dec 13 last year I fell at home due to Parkinson's Disease,I was laying on the floor for 23 hours before I was rescued,I had a few broken bones,lots of pressure sores,and bowel and kidney infections,I ended up spending 8 weeks in a rehab ward,I too have suffered the indignity of having a young nurse insert a catheter in my penis and having to use bed pans,but in the end it all came good and I recovered.
    I give thanks to all the doctors,nurses,ambulance paramedics,physio therapists and lots more people who helped me recover and I give thanks to my wife who called the police officer who broke my door down and saved my life.
    You sound like you had a rough year,I hope you have a good Thanksgiving,a good festive season and a much better 2021.Take care.
    Bob aka Cookie Man
  6. Scottishdk

    Scottishdk Senior Member

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    Since we are sharing.

    Back in 2004 I had a small motorcycle accident, I high-sided (flipped into the air) at around 90mph.
    This resulted in me cracking vertebrae in my neck, I broke my back broke both arms.
    My left elbow and forearm,
    My right forearm and bones in my hand Inc thumb.
    . I also wrecked the muscles and ligaments around both knees

    I was wearing my full race leathers with strap to body back protector, boots, gloves and helmet I was lucky that I didn't need stitches and the race suit held me together.

    I had 9 months ish of full recovery Inc walking.
    I didn't need I catheter as I could just hold it to pee but I did need my arse wiped, not pretty at all.
    I'm 99% fully recovered with some aches and pains when it gets cold, and when my hand is cold I look like I'm giving everyone thumbs up lol.

    I am thankful for everyone who recoverd me and looked after me.
    And that I am here to tell the tale

    Love to all
    Scotty. X
  7. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    "Years from now, my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations,” she said. “Your people will wear cardigans and drink highballs.
    We will sell our bracelets by the roadsides. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d’oeuvres.”

  8. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh, you wonderful people. xxx
    I knew your stories and I am blessed to have you as friends.
  9. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    Here In the UK we are having a Happy Thrustgiving day. lol

  10. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    To all Our American Friends

    Happy Thanksgiving Day

  11. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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  12. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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  13. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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  14. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Plymouth Plantation, Plymouth, Massachusetts as it appeared 400 years ago



  15. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    WOW I so want to visit
    Mysteron and mysticblu21 like this.
  16. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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  17. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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  18. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Technically the first Thanksgiving was in 1621 one year after the Pilgrims landed, so next year’s party (post covid-19) is going to be a doozy.

    That would be the best time to come, so reserve your tickets early because they'll sell out quickly.

    mysticblu21 and Candy Gal like this.
  19. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    I just love history so much.
    Have a wonderful day x
    The best you can have.
    mysticblu21 and hotwater like this.
  20. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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