Hello. Thanks for approving my account. Looks like a fun forum to be a part of. Wish you all the best.
Don't recall no account approval when I joined back up. Hmm. Well anyway welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay
Welcome to hip forums. Enjoy your stay.... Sorry it took so long for approval. I was taking a relaxing fight around a fishing village in Maine....
a lot of people have been giving thanks for it, so i guess so. weird that so many basement dwelling 44 year old virgins get approved though (not referring to you, OP).
^ it's a nice thought, but that will never happen. hell, just this afternoon some guy joined and posted identical semi-comprehensible incest threads in four different forums. there's always ways to get through the defenses.
unfortunately, he's gone now. so there are defenses, just not always at the registration stage. from what i saw, fake trolling was too nice for this guy; he was legitimate troll worthy.