I am not a fan of the guy. I think he is a buffoon and a puppet. But since I care about facts, what has he said that is "racist"? Had he said something that is actually truly racist, he would already have been impeached. I actually find many of you "progressive" liberals to be way more hateful than Trump. Many of you are opposed to free speech unless it is in line with your own beliefs.
Isn't Florida only about 700 miles away from a nice little vacation spot for him? (out at sea that is?)
Come on Bro! He's the one who called several 3rd world nations shit holes. He called for a Muslim Ban and enacted it. He called Mexicans all sorts of insults.
Trump is a racist, because Trump is a racist. It's on the internet, so it MUST be true. This is what you're dealing with. "Racism" has come to mean "anyone who says something I don't agree with, especially if they are white". There's no correcting this level of stupid from so many people who pride themselves on being "tolerant" (though they conveniently leave out accepting, which the rest of us must adhere to). THIS is why I make so much fun of leftists and why I don't engage the ones who rely on circular logic or "tactics" to force their views. There's truth, and there's lies. It's that simple.
You don't have to demonstrate racism with words only. 1. In response to Khizr and Ghazala Khan. 2. In reference to Federal judge Gonzalo Curiel. 3. In 1973 the Justice Department sued Trump for racial discrimination. 4. 5. 6. 7. ...all I have time for now.....
If George Washington had wanted a palace, he wouldn't have called it the white house. The moment our government is above its own laws is the day we no longer have one. Thank you Donald Duck, for showing America just what kind of insane self-destructive assholes conservatives have become.
Along with what MeAgain posted. There's tons of shit like this everywhere. He doesn't claim to be a racist, he just talks, walks, and acts like one.
Dont forget the Central Park 5 ad Or telling 4 American citizens who are women of color to go back to their country
The thing is, genuine racism isn't a fucking "nuance". It's not a "microaggression" (what a STOOPID, with 2 Os, term in the first place). REAL racism isn't so slight that you have to dig for it. Seriously folks, MOST of us in the US are NOT racists or this would be a VERY different nation right now. I'm starting to think all you assholes whining about "racism" are the biggest part of the problem. But I realize that among hard leftists it's still the most intellectually deep issue you can manage. But it's expiring fast as the next generation realizes that being blamed for shit they didn't do, sucks.
Right, real racism is systemic Like when racist people are in positions of authority and have the power to preserve/create policies that preserve the status quo and affect the lives of minorities in negative ways