nimh, kc, mike (jackie, hah!), the artist formally known as SKYBUTTERFLYGAL, kitty_fab, marc, ang (sky) etc. thank you guys soOOOooOO much. you guys dont know how much your loving support helped me. it's nice to be able to go some where where ppl. know who you are and care. im doing a lot better now.... and i owe so much of it to you guys! peace, love, happiness, n laughter to you all.... trish!
angel... read my holy fucking shit thread and then the thread i made called when i went down there or something.
I just read the thread. It all happened while I was out. I had to go to the emergency room because of getting sick and I was there for quite a while. I'm glad you're okay, honey. How scary--I saw someone get shot once, but I was going by on a bus and couldn't do anything to help. Thank God you were there to call 911. You might have saved that guys' life. Let us know what happens to him.
thanks angel... i would feel so good if i did. im glad i went to hug him. i feel bad for him. why did you go to the hospital???? are you okay sweetie?
I'm all right. I got there in time. My blood pressure medication needed adjusting because I started swelling up from water retention and was starting to go into congestive heart failure. It's happened before, and it's scary, but if you get there in time they just get you on Lasix (diuretic) and you start peeing to beat the band until the swelling goes down. Just in the meantime, you are filling with fluid and it crowds your organs and makes it hard to breathe and hard for your heart to work. I have a strong heart though. In the next couple days I will pee out about three gallons of water and lose over 20 pounds of fluid, then I will be just fine. It's so annoying and it hurts now because I am so swollen my skin is too tight, but it will be fine. It really sounds worse than it is. I am not in danger of dying tonight, since I got the Lasix.
I hope I never get shot. I'd rather be pushed off a cliff or something. Especially if I were wearing a long pretty dress and I could fall in slow motion. I can't even look at guns. They freak me out.
no problem, understanding people under strain is my forte. i know i'd have to change my pants before i went outside.
i'm sure that guy is going to pull through, and he'll always remember what you did, how you called for help & then went to comfort him. like i said before, we're all so proud!
if you see him again, just let him remember that you now own his soul and are able to do with it what you wish.