Since Tom Green got cancer ive had a weird anxiety abouttesticular cancer. I have some benign cyst in my sack that have been checked but lately (I'm 28) I feel like my balls are alway aching or ending up in positions that squeeze them in my trousers. Did other guys experience this as they aged?
Cancer, from what I'm told, manifests on the testicles themselves as there isn't anything else in there to get cancer. Cysts can occur and flare up from time to time elsewhere. I stopped ridding my bike recently because of a cyst I have that seems to be agitated by the bike seat. The doctors all say don't worry about it, live with it.
Theyve told me the same Thing. I have a appointment Wednesday but I feel foolish going in to have them checked. I guess it has almost been a year since the last visit .
Better safe than sorry. Seems like cancer rates are going up every year. I've been worried about the same thing. I'm near your age and it seems like my testi sack has dropped quite a bit. Occasionally after sex or masterbating I get soreness in my testis, like a dull feeling. Anyone else get this? Let us know how your appointment goes.
Mine get soreness at random times ever since I was a kid. A friend one time out of nowhere said his were hurting all of a sudden. Ever since then I just assumed it was something that happened to all guys on occasion.