The equations for how animals move are rapidly coming together, and its quite possible to build robots today that move even more like real animals than these little robots do. These don't have feet or ankles, so they move a little funny, but a robot like this could easily jump through a second floor window, and carry a machine gun around, or blow up in your face. The Pentagon usually sets the pace for this kind of research, and their last big call was for research in how to make robots that are dead silent which, again, these are not, but it is quite possible to create robots already that are dead silent and at least eight times stronger than a human. Due to the research being classified, we may have to wait a long time to see more advanced robots than these.
They already have a model with an operator controlled high powered rifle mounted to it. Interesting times, be kind to the Bots, their memory is better than ours. These guys have a dark future ahead.
These are the models they're developing for police. A bot like this one can also carry nonlethal weapons, and drones are already being used to effectively police areas known for muggings and rapes. Its already quite possible to cheaply put drones in the air over every major intersection in the country, and to give them swarm technology. For example, drones can be used to instantly locate where gunfire is coming from, and can swarm the area, and even repair each other in flight. The technology is simply too new and too expensive to deploy just yet, but the Pentagon is taking the lead. Theoretically, a single semi-truck can carry 40,000 drones it can launch in under a minute, automated tanks are making rapid progress, are lower to the ground, faster, and cheaper. Robotic Bats and Sting Rays are the newest toys the Pentagon has, which can be easily mistaken for the real deal in low light or underwater, and they intend to deploy 40,000 of them in the oceans in the near future.
I think we should put them to a different use like getting rid of invasive species such as fire ants or kudzu or maybe have them serve beer.