Telepathy, the "supernatural" and science

Discussion in 'Metaphysics and Mysticism' started by Eldad Eshel, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. Eldad Eshel

    Eldad Eshel Guest

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    Hi, I have become telepathic a year ago, and believe in it quite strongly. It really started 4 years ago, but it made me schizophrenic, I was hospitalized and lost it. I regained it a year ago. I am today quite aware of myself and consider myself healthy, to me personally telepathy is real and quite proven, as a fact and as part of this world.
    There is much evidence of telepathy and the "supernatural" in general, but science refuses to accept it. They seem to not be able to prove it, and according to wikipedia scientific proof of it is yet to be had. Uri Geller for example, scientific researches were conducted on him at a university, and they came up with positive results, this seems like scientific proof to me. (You can look on his website for the actual scientific paper.)
    I believe that if science discovers telepathy and the "supernatural" it will be quite a breakthrough, and quite a step forward for science. I believe that the speed of telepathy is infinite, that it warps somehow through space. This can hold the key to space travel, and to a breakthrough in science, as it is still holds the notion that the speed of light is the highest speed, not a very fast speed for space travel.
    I have a request, and it is for everyone to encourage science to research telepathy and the supernatural.

    I also have a connection to the metaphysical world. This world is visible in the mind, and can be seen as imagery.
    Heaven and hell are part of this world, together with God and Satan, and other entities. God is the "formal entity" of planet earth.
    I can talk to these entities, they are quite numerous and interesting.
    There is much more in this metaphysical world, and it is quite intriguing.
    There are such things I have seen like the "wheel of life and death", the "circle of good and evil, beautiful and ugly", the "personal" rectangle of the soul, and much more.
    The triangle I have mentioned in my previous post here is also part of the metaphysical world, although it has much physical manifestations.
    Telepathy is also comprised of much imagery sent back and forth, that is also part of the metaphysical world.

    What do you think about all this ? Are you telepathic yourself ?
  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes...I think so, and I believe in it.....I think it exists.....
    It is ok at times, but other times, it feels too intrusive......
    sometimes I just try to block it out.
    Other people have it, at times, I need a privacy wall....
    and am not sure how to achieve that at times.....

    especially in the bathroom.....:D :)
  3. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Why do you have to ask?
    Just read my mind.
  4. Eldad Eshel

    Eldad Eshel Guest

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    I know what you mean, a lot of people are quite intrusive, and they also seem to speak profanely when it comes to telepathy. I have learned with time to be non embarrassed, I am still working on being able to "hide". I am able to block most of the verbal telepathy that I don't want to hear. This took me some time to be able to do.
  5. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    Yeah, I know; there was supposed to be telepathy less anywho from the Xinguang region of southwestern China, where there was reported a strong flood of storms a month ago.

    Maybe more. they just didn't get along with the promise of improved crop production there. Turn on? Bores me. I thought it was the regular monsoon. :biker:
  6. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I can't block anything anymore... Being a hermit is my only choice.

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