
Discussion in 'Higher Ed' started by BraveSirRubin, May 9, 2004.

  1. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    anyone here majored in high school education and became teachers?

    if so...

    did you minor determine what you would teach?
    did you get any opportunities to travel the world due to your profession?

    any advice you can give me about majoring in education?
  2. Fractual_

    Fractual_ cosmos factory

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    well i cant say a lot, but i doubt you would get any traveling opprotunities, except for the occasional field trip, if that.
  3. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    When I say "traveling", i mean teaching at another country.
  4. Fractual_

    Fractual_ cosmos factory

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    well what countries are you thinking about? and wouldnt you want to teach america, we need it the most!

    you probably shouldnt be getting your teaching degree here trhough.
  5. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    Well, in my school, I have plenty of American teachers, and most of them have been traveling all over the world (Africa, Asia, South America, Europe) during their carriers, and they all got thier degree in the US.

    No, I would not even think of teaching in the US. I do like a selected amount of people from there, that is why I am very picky with the social and political orientation of colleges, but I would never teach in the US. I want to travel in my life, and the US does not have much new to offer me after I graduate from college. (I do paln to travel in the US while studying there).

    Plus, I already am taking plenty AP classes, and wouldn't want to waste them.
  6. HappyHaHaGirl

    HappyHaHaGirl *HipForums Princess*

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    I'm going to teach high school history....but I'm not going to be a coach! So don't ask!
  7. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    i would assume you'd want to amjor in the actual field you want to teach and get a masters or phd and then go into teaching once you pass the exams....i know a person doing a teaching type major..and i think thats more a general thing...probably better to concentrate on something though...
  8. OldGold

    OldGold Member

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    I have just moved to Dubai from the US and find a number of openings for American trained teachers. American schools are usually the most expensive and are sought by expatriates so their children will continue with a format they are used to.

    I am sure this will be the case in other places too.

  9. veinglory

    veinglory Member

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    Tthere are very storng teacher exchange programs between the US, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. I know several people who have gone on these exchanges which are a great way to live and work in another country.
  10. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    Half of the teachers in my high school faculty where from the US or had an american citizenship.

    Two of my teachers where american one taught religon the other marketing,
    my marketing teacher was from New Jersey
  11. Enonemouse

    Enonemouse Happy Wanderer

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    I am a teacher and it depends on what teaching courses you do as well as your other degree as to what you teach. If you sepcialize in English or English as a second language you should be able to get teaching job almost anywhere in the world you want. Teachers of English are wanted in so many different places. Now me I am an IT teacher with a bit of Drama and History but I am not in demand all over the world. I also have only trained to teach High school and Adults so i can't teach the tinies which is a bit of a piss off as I now want to teach them. (Being a Gemini I always want something new and more).

    Love & Laughter
  12. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    You said you where and IT teacher i was talking to my guidance council and he said that there was a shortage of comm tech teachers.

    I don't know if that fits your critera as an IT teacher.

    I'm talking about multimedia teachers.
  13. Strawberry_Fields_Fo

    Strawberry_Fields_Fo RN

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    There are definately international jobs out there for teachers. The ones most in demand are English teachers and math teachers. In fact, there are international organizations you can volunteer for even before you graduate from college. Go visit http://www.crossculturalsolutions.org . I don't know if you're an American citizen or not but if you are you could also join the peace corps.

    I read that you are interested in that Buddhist university in CO. I've never been there but I looked into it and decided it was too small for me--only about 200 students. It's also mostly a grad type program rather than an undergrad, so you'd have to live off campus.

    If you're looking for a good international school in the US, the Univeristy of San Francisco is awesome. I'm going there in the fall. 12% of the student population is foreign national representing 62 different countries. Its also only 43% white and 33% Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim.

    Sorry if I sound like a recruiter :p Good luck on your search for the right college.

  14. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    Thank you all very much, you truly helped :)

    I do know that being an English teacher would get me a lot of jobs, and I am leaning a tad towards englsih, but philosophy, psychology, maybe even sociology interest me much more.

    I talked to some of my teachers, and they said that they double majored in Education, and in their area of teachings, together with some minors related to thier area. Could you fill me up on that? The ones that are teachers... what did you study in college, which classes did you take?

    Kate, thanks, your post was extremely helpful :)

    Could you give me more info on San Francisco? School size? Toution (international... I am not a US citizen), Room and board expenses with books and such. (stuff you already probebly have memorized). What are thier specialities? Is it Libral Arts? What shall you be studying?

    Sorry if I ask too many questions :)

    Thank you all, more input would be very appriciated and helpful,

    Pavel :)
  15. Strawberry_Fields_Fo

    Strawberry_Fields_Fo RN

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    Here's their website: http://www.usfca.edu

    And here's the one that talks about international students: http://www.usfca.edu/iss/

    They have three grad programs they're well-known for: Law, Education, and Nursing.

    I'm studying to become a nurse, although I won't be going to grad school. Their undergrad has about 1900 students, 3,000 if you count the grads. The everage class size is 16 students, so their's alot of personal attention.

    They're a Jesuit institution, the most liberal of all the Catholic traditions. And as you can see from my other post, they're very accepting of other faiths. You also get to be right in the heart of San Francisco. The campus is only about 55 acres, so theres not alot of walking (just alot of hills ;). It's ten minutes away from the ocean and right accross the street from Golden Gate Park.

    Of all the scools I applied to, they offered me the most financial aid--$21,000 out of $38,000--which is just about the only reason I can go. $38,000 is NOT just the tuition--its all the other costs included. Tuition runs around $21,000, although I'm not sure if it's different for international students. They do actively recruit such students, so I wouldn't be surprised if they could help you out in the money department.

    Hope this helps :)

  16. 4_Leaf_Clover

    4_Leaf_Clover I Love

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    i plan to go into education at the University of South Florida in the fall.
    although i'm not sure exactly what or who i want to teach.
    originally, i was thinking: "i want to teach gifted kids", because
    the gifted program was something that i regretfully was not a part of, and
    probably should have been. I still think that i would make a good teacher
    for late-elementary or middle school kids. you know, while the kids are
    still really developing themselves. I want to make a difference in their lives.
    I was thinking i'd like to teach English or History, or maybe even Music.
    but i'm not certain about any of this...

    i still need to get in and talk to an academic advisor about my path.
    has anyone had similar experiences? any advice?
    i just know that i want to be a teacher and do some good for the future :)
  17. gesone

    gesone Member

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    I have an English major and I've been teaching high school literature for the past three years in a Catholic school in Nicaragua. At first it was tough adapting to the methodology of the school and having to deal with so many kids (about 42 in each class). I would've never expected to be teaching but I can assure you that it has been a gratifying experience.
  18. user__friendly

    user__friendly Member

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    I know that here, several of the teachers have had teaching opportunities, or even did some of their schooling in other countries. I guess it really all depends. I don't know about the classes and cirriculum, though..
  19. beachbum7

    beachbum7 Lookin' for any fun

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    Good luck in your goal to become a teacher. Actually, I think teaching will be my ticket to seeing the world. I got a job teaching English in Japan, and I think I'll be here for some time. I might teaching English in other countries, too.
  20. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    Thank you.

    What did you major/minor in to become a teacher?

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