What does the 10 of pentacles mean to you? I've been getting this one alot as my outcome. I see it as a good sign, possibly a move in the near future? I'm relativly new to tarot and am wondering what others think of this card. Any interesting cards you get often?
ive been reading for ten years now and the two of penticles keeps coming up for me in the Robin Wood deck it is one of the cards of the minor arcana that has great detail on it the sky and everything. it is a woman blind folded and holding a sword in both hands very beautiful i guess it means holding strong in the face of two opposing energies or dilemmas but its hard to tell when its you. i guess when ive worked it out it won't come up again. the ten of penticles is a very postive card to have, it means a situation will end very comfortably, and you will be safe, maybe a caree will pay of at long last or some training will end and it will bring richness (and i don't just mean money) into your life. relationships and family problems will finally settle down, and you'll be able to look back to a period of your life as time well spent. go with your intuition and your hunches if you feel like your on the right path then you are and it will pay off well. karma will be kind to you all the good things and favours you are doing for people will come back to you. s
Ah 2 of pentacles, light and dark it's come up a bit for me too. I've also been getting the 9 of swords I believe (maybe 7) has to do with nightmares and other fears brought on by the mind. Makes me think all of my fears are in my mind, I have to accept them and move on...
isn't that strange i ment the two of SWORDS not two of penticles and i never make mistakes like that work that one out!
Hi, I'm very new to tarot as well, but from the 10 of Pentacles I get the idea of fulfilment on all levels - a security, stability & peacefulness that will be lasting & satisfying, a feeling of wholeness about you & your life. In my readings of late I'm getting the Tower quite a bit, which I think is not such a bad thing, although much of what I read suggests it's a card to be a bit anxious about. But I see it as a chance to kind of a destruction of the old order to make room for a new journey in life - cleansing of old attitudes, self-deceptions, etc to move forward in honesty, yes? I'm not sure if that's even a correct interpretation, but I think it that by doing that can herald positive changes, even though it's difficult. It's not the event but how you react to it?? I also get the Page of Wands a bit, which I'm having a bit of trouble getting a handle on, does it relate to creativity? perhaps not fully expressing creativity??? Regards...
the tower is a quick and sudden change that will happen soon if it hasn't already happened. it will be a shock to the system as oppsed to the death card which is a change but more of a gentle transition. after a forset fire new things grow, you will soon have a new beginning things will be very different for you and you will benefit from this greatly, the lesson lreant from the tower is that it is sudden yes, but only painful if we do not accept that change is inevidable and don't allow our selves to move on. so what will shortly change in your life that you must let go of for your own good but may frighten you too. page of wands means the start of creative endevears you have the skills but its just the start maybe the start after the change of the tower who knows, you also have the energy at this point to go for it so make sure you do! if you are entering into a situation where there are people more experinced than you then your young eyes on the subject could give everyone a completly different and refreshing view. when i say young i don't necessary mean with age i mean young as in a new start. also you may be feeling quite passionate about a subject so put energy into studying it and understanding it fully. this is also about youthful sexulity yours or someone elses! s
The 10 pentacles could also be popping up and making u notice it because of a need to recognise and take note of how ur family will help u acheive ur desired outcomes. Its saying get back to roots and don't underestimate how much your blood relations can provide support. Ur desired prosperity and security in life is so achievable, but spirit world is reminding u that ur family's good doings have helped u, thank them. My uncanny reoccurance is 4 Cups reversed....this has sone light on how my boredom is a fear, a fear of lonliness. And then this fear= boredom= overindulgence in physical pleasures. Therefore simple solution, overcome this fear/weakness through strength. And achieve this strength through faith.
Thanks, Samhain! What you said about the Page of Wands relates really well, I do feel a great deal of creative energy, but it's finding the outlet for it! I'm actually learning tarot at the moment & absorbing every bit of information I can get! There's also a couple of other areas where I'm trying to learn about new things, so am putting a lot of energy & effort into study & my creativity, so, yeah, I'll think about the Page of Wands & what it means, & how I can use the message positively. Thanks, again! Regards.
you are more than welcome anytime, also feel free to pvt me if you have any questions or concerns about the tarot, its not always easy to read for your self so another opinon is always useful s
About reversals, I don't do them, I feel like it gets too complicated, and it all depends on how you turn the cards over... Do you really think reversals effect a reading? On a side note, I pulled the Lovers card on a day and my boyfriend and I had a big argument. We didnt talk for most of the day but spent all day together!
thats not surprising the lovers card far from meaning the happy union that most think its means, sometimes means finding a balance between opposing energies within yourself, but more importantly reaching a decision from two oppseing energies. e.g. choosing between two lovers, choosing a job verses a time of rest. seeing as most arguements revolue around decisions and it was with your lover thats quite poetic. ive been reading for ten years and i completly agree the cards are in balance if i used reverse cards i would feel i would be over complicating matters and creating an imbalance as quite a few of the cards turn negative when reversed. but if it works for others then its up to them what they do. s
Whenever I do readings for myself, 9 times out of 10, I've a strong travel theme... it keeps coming up over and over! The thing is, my hubby and I have no money to leave home, and I don't have a clue where we'd be going! Hey, maybe we'll win a trip somewhere! Woo hoo!