Is it ok to talk to an ex while dating someone? My bf is pissed as hell all because I was playing a video game online with my ex. I never thought talking to ex's was a terrible thing. We're not sexting or anything. Just simply small talking and playing xbox. Is it wrong?
I personally think It's a very healthy thing. My partner is in touch with most of her exes and It would never even occur to me to ask her to cease contact with them (I get on pretty well with the ones I know and we've never had any ill-will towards each other) But different people feel different ways, clearly your boyfriend is uncomfortable with this relationship so you have to decide whether or not its something that is really important to you that he just has to deal with, something not important to you so you can be shot of it for a quiet life, or something where a compromise must be reached for the benefit of all.
I suppose the details are very important. How the relationship ended and how it carry's on. I've been cheated on by a girl getting with their ex. It's not a great situation.
i wouldnt like it, but i guess in some circumstances, there is no choice, where young children are involved maybe.... but no, and i wouldnt talk to an x, best cut and shut.
I have had issues with a partner speaking to an ex romantically behind my back. I would have a problem with it if they were very close, and my partner was forsaking time with me for them. My girlfriend is still cordial with a few of her exes, but they rarely speak. It doesn't bother me.