There are specific spanking dating sites out there that you can post what you’re looking for and chat with others. Not a lot of activity tho. Which is frustrating. iPunishment is a spanking specific forum with a lot of activity and interaction but done mostly by the regulars. You just have to jump in
Do you mind saying more about this? I'd be very interested in what you spank him for, and how you spank him do you mind elaborating?
I spank him for very real things like lying, staying out too late, flirting at parties, etc. I spank him over the knee with a paddle or bent over something with a belt. Lots of times, when we are out in public, I will whisper in his ear, "Do you want me to spank you in front of all these people?" Or, "I'm about to pull your pants down in front of everyone", Or, "Wait until I get you home".
It sounds like you are very strict with him. Have you ever actually spanked him in front of somebody else? Have you ever shared that you spank him with others? Was it your idea to take over his discipline or did he ask you? I'm sorry for all the questions but I'm very curious. I appreciate your responses.
I have spanked him in front of people several times. Our spanking activity started out slowly and has just evolved into full time discipline. It's definitely play, but it's real. Not sure if you know what I mean by that.
Yes, I think I understand. I am happy to discuss this further by private conversation too. Thank you for the details.
That's interesting. I can't either. I wrote to ask why that is. Maybe if you were following me? No idea.
I'll be curious to hear what aspect of Pamela NT's husband spankings that interest you would you mind sharing some of that?
Hi Dayna. Quick question for you. My wife spanks me about Twice a month. I recently asked her to video my spankings so I could watch them and she said NO WAY. Am I the weird one for asking?
fetlife has everything could possibly imagine and then some. It also has lots of humor, creativity, nice people, art, science, etc.
Many people are hesitant to videotape things that are embarrassing and such, for good reasons. If you were to make such a video, I would suggest that you keep the videos on an external disk drive and not on your computer.