Legal in Oregon as of today---to smoke that JUJU!! My first smoke was in '58, over which THEY would have put me UNDER the jail!! Smoke away, fellow Oregonians.
We have had medical for a while, but as of today---smoke 'em if ya' got 'em! I don't know how much one can have or grow--guess I'll try and find the written law.
I thought there would be an exodus towards ory--gon by now. OK--I'll smoke some for you deprived individuals--TONIGHT!!
It makes it not so much a symbol of counter culture and I have heard people complain. I smoke because I like to be high.
It also turns local politically oriented events such as hempfests into primarily commercial ventures.
please let me know what happens to pRices right now swim can make out like a bandit and beat the government price for an ounce by 100 dollars.....illegal but with medical is swim's sweet spot fir
Ever spend much time over by Bend OR? Found a batch of folks out there itching to make some Biochar, this legal weed thing may make me forget my reservations about working in groups of "unknown variables".
been smoking some couchlock hash the last couple of days...... only one Tioga county lawmaker is blocking medical marijuana in the Penisylvanian state ... hopefully his drunk pharmaceutical faggot self will drive off the road and kill himfuckingself..
4 plants and 8 ounces of weed-------reckon that's enough. Once --in the days of yore-'67--a friend and I gave a girl 50 bucks for a key of weed in Berkley. She asked for a ride to get it--we got there and she got out of the car--went around the side of the house we parked in front of---never to return. What was worse than that---I bought two hits of SACCHARIN FROM A GUY IN WAIKIKI. Not such a sweet high. PT Barnum was proven right again!
Blazin it high n mighty here in Oregon. Went to the Burnside Burn last night. Some real shit. Cops burning with citizens. This is freedom. This is America.