i definitely agree tv sux....and im so sick of all this Reality TV Bullshit...they've absolutely carried it. Have you seen some of the new Reality Tv???? WHO'S GOING TO ADOPT MY BABY???? thats the most outrageously disgiting thing ive ever heard and how about the one where theyre trying to find america's WORST singer....but making them believe theyre the best?? Season finale: SURPRISE YOU WON!!! THE PRIZE???? JUST JOKING YOURE THE SHITTIEST PERSON IN THIS ROOM YOU DUMB ASSHOLE! HAHAHHAHA everyone has a good laugh and this dude goes home and kills him/herself. I fucking HATE tv. the only thing i watch is Family Guy, Ren & Stimpy and Friends (although im sure a lot of people on here love to hate that show lol)
tv does suck. have you read jerry mander's "four reasons for the elimination of television"? it is an excellent EXCELLENT book!! i think tv would be the first thing i got rid of if i ruled the world.
Tv does suck, but I'm addicted. I tried a little experiment on myself by not watching tv for thirty minutes each night, but I felt myself longing for Nick at Night and broke my promise. Some shit on tv's legit, like cartoons and Comedy Central, but the other stuff is stupid. Reality TV gives us a chance to laugh at other people's failures and feed our (society) obession with violance. People will do anything for 15 minutes of fame and the only part that gets shown is you having a cat fight over a pencil or some shit.
I hardly ever watch tv, when I do, it's mostly for Adult Swim and such. What I really hate is the reality tv shows. They're so stupid, and cruel.
T.V. is kind of like alcohol or radiation. Watching it in moderation isn't gonna kill ya, but one should probably avoid daily exposure.
TV is awfull it brainwashes you, the only TV programs I watch are South Park, Buffy & Angel, via my DVD boxsets.
Have you ever been over to someone's house looking to have some good conversation and all they do is pay attention to the TV? I mean, they invite you over to chill and all they want to do is have someone to watch TV with? TV was probably a major contributor to people's lack of communication with each other (along with the internet). Also, an interesting thing to note is the conversations that arise when TV is on. They seem to always be related to what is on and end as soon as the commericials are over. Then its time for SILENCE so we can zone back in. Anyone else have any opinions on this?
It's not all bad. There's a good case for being selective. I sure would miss the Simpsons, Looney Tunes, and Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. But, man, some of it IS addictive like a drug, ie: Trading Spaces!