switching from alesse to micronor 28.. Need Advise!

Discussion in 'Birth Control' started by needadvise, May 27, 2014.

  1. needadvise

    needadvise Guest

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    I have been on alesse for over a year, had no major problems with it, except that I would start spotting a week before the inactive pills, so my doctor decided to switch me to micronor 28. I am about to start the new pack in a few days but have read really bad reviews and side affects about, so was wondering if anyone is on it and what they think? And if anyone has also switched from alesse to micronor? I have the option of getting the brand name or generic, I am also unsure which one to get, if anyone also has opinions about that as well, anything will help!

    Thank you
  2. scralet

    scralet Guest

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    Please get advice from doctor only.Because some has side affect on body.Depends on body structure.

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