Personally I prefer coffee enemas, but I haven't had one yet, I am looking forward to the day I meet the people who force you to have a coffee enema every tuesday, so you can better enjoy your wednesday.
tea i prefer to savor its uniqueness unadulturated if it is an interesting and unusual tea, and not some industrial grade blend. the latter i am quite happy to live without. even the most exotic of coffees however seem to bennifit from moo juce and cocoa. though the earthier flavors like ethiopian require less of it then the excessively carbonized tasting varieties. - coffee, with or without sugar, and without milk, is (for me) a laxative. (and will cause painful diarea on an empty stomac). the only way i can get by without putting milk in coffee is with a lot of powdered chocklet. even then it's stll somewhat laxitive. chamomile tea does that to me too (even worse then coffee, whatever i do or do not try to add to it). lapsaung souchong, darjeeling, green, and licorish spice i get along with just fine.