Yeah, I wanna do it, not lose nerve at the last erotic second. I’m gonna sprinkle in some Sweet ‘N Low to get, um, over the hump. Any other ideas? Courvoisier? Frangelico???
It's very simple. JUST DO IT. It's not poison, won't turn you gay or any other stupid things. You'll be happy you did. Women will love you for it too.
Don't expect to want to taste your semen right after ejaculation. The hormone change during orgasm is pretty quick and opposite. Leading up to orgasm your hormones are raging for sex. Once orgasm sets in the sleep hormones are released and the sexual desire subsides. Wait 10 maybe 15 minutes for your brain to stabilize and then consider semen consumption. The substance can be rather acidic and tart and it is an acquired taste. Once you get past the mental block from the hormone action you will begin to enjoy cleaning yourself after ejaculation.
That always seems like a great idea until I’m standing in front of the mirror holding a handful of sperm.
I just go on my bed, shoulders down and ass up on the wall. From there I just aim down and shoot, rarely do I miss my tongue and mouth..mmm mmm good!!!
Wife did that with me 45 yrs ago. Her rules. What's good for the goose............ Turns out , it opened new doors of shared fun together.
Totally understand about losing the desire quickly. My wife has snowballed me a few times and I'll regularly kiss her after she swallows.
It would be so hot to cum in a woman then lick it out of her. Hopefully making her cum in your mouth.
My gf cums in my mouth every time I eat her creampie. It's hard to do the first time but after that it's easier because she will demand that you make her cum again! Life's good.
Year ago, My wife asked me to lick her as my cum oozed from her pussy. She really didn't expect me to do it, but I did. Her reactions convinced me it was the right move. Never regretted it, even with other women.
This is a good idea, and have done it, but probably less successful aiming. But realistically, just do it. Jack off into your hand and swallow. Or edge yourself, let some precum out, or maybe actual cum and swallow that as the post orgasm nerves won't have kicked in
That's a tough thing to do right after orgasm and ejaculation for a man. The hormone release in the brain post orgasm takes all sexual desire away for a short while. But once you learn to overcome the hormone change the result is very rewarding. Women are surprised at first of the mans eagerness to clean her up but once she gets into it many times she has another orgasm herself.
Why wait? Kiss her and tangle tongues in a SuperHot big wet slippery kiss. My wife used to like giving it all back to me in a kiss, after a blowjob. Having a woman encouraging it, makes it easy to get past apprehensions.