Supremely Stupid

Discussion in 'Politics' started by erofant, Feb 3, 2020.

  1. erofant

    erofant Members

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    Why is this country sooo stupid as to allow students from adversarial communist countries to come here to study at our universities?? M.I.T., Cal -Tech., Cornell, Yale, U. of Pennsylvania, etc. or any other university for that matter. Then, our shit-for-brains corporate world & Fed. government are worrying about high-tech, cutting-edge "secret" technology getting into the hands of Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, etc.

    What the hell do our "highly educated, genius executives and gov. leaders" think all that cutting-edge info and technology is going to be used for when it gets back to autocratic, communist dictators?? Maybe we'll get some hyper-sonic, pin-point accurate ballistic missiles flown into our power grids, refineries, military bases, gov. buildings, and big cities. All courtesy of brainless, can't-see-past-the-end-of-their-noses, 100% lacking foresight leadership.

    Harvard, Yale, and Wharton School degrees are toilet paper without some common sense.
    Beach Ball Lady Balls likes this.
  2. lode

    lode Banned

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    It's 2020.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  3. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    Maybe if more American students were smart enough to get into these schools that would change
    soulcompromise likes this.
  4. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Oh I don't know...

    I mean sure, you can misuse your knowledge of engineering toward evil intent. Or medicine for that matter. But typically it isn't the educated that I'm worried about. It's usually the uneducated that get us into trouble. Granted there are issues with China as an example stealing information technology or what have you. I guess I just can't bring myself to blame university or students for that matter.

    Did you go to school? It's fun. Not in terms of partying; that's not really a factor to be honest (at least, I haven't heard of any parties lately. There are some schools that have that, but not at mine). But in terms of learning it's fantastic! Once you get the hang of it that is. There's oodles you can do to be more educated too without going to an accredited campus. The library is cool for goodness sakes! :D
  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Same difference....
    soulcompromise likes this.
  6. erofant

    erofant Members

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    soulcompromise - I wasn't blaming the universities or the students!! I was blaming policy-makers who allow students from ENEMY countries to come here to study - then take all that cutting edge knowledge back to their home countries where they HAVE NO CHOICE but to divulge all they've learned to the autocratic, communist dictators. In those countries, everyone works for the dictator's government. All secrets must be shared, and the dictators have the military muscle to enforce the rules made by - and for - the dictator's benefit. Russia and China have been guilty of industrial espionage for decades, and it's getting worse. The question is ……… is the U.S. smart enough to deny student visa's from enemy countries?? IMO - more detailed vetting of foreign students is long overdue.

    I totally agree with you that we have WAY too many undereducated people in this country. Those who hated school K through 12, didn't apply themselves, and stopped their educations at high school have chosen their own sad fate. Go nowhere jobs, lousy pay, no - or few benefits, no future. Those kinds of people are easily lured in by leaders who promise simple solutions to complex problems. They're grasping at straws.

    And I did graduate from college with a degree in electrical technology, where LOGIC rules the day.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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  8. lode

    lode Banned

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    Not in this century you didn't...
    Tyrsonswood likes this.
  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Probably the former millennium
  10. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    it isn’t about being smart enough, foreign students pay more. It is about money, not smarts, which became pretty evident with the money exchanging hands to get wealthy peoples children into the best university. Same happens with international students. Furthermore, I am not so sure that these universities have better professors, education, it is contacts they are paying for,. Being able to teach, and being book smart are two different things.
  11. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I see. To be honest, I see no problem with doing as you say here. But how does one determine which are enemy countries? Donald Trump's vision would have us weed out majority Muslim countries; not saying that's what you're suggesting... I don't know where to find his list, so here is a recent article about it. Trump’s call to dramatically expand the travel ban, explained

    Basically, my concern is that students from countries that are impoverished and who deserve to come here and study would be arbitrarily denied because their home country isn't deemed acceptable. Students from Honduras or Nigeria or Mexico?

    I should say too that I feel badly for the students from the "enemy" countries, but I do understand. They would probably have to study somewhere else.
  12. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Well educated people tend not to support and elect dictators, so it can have some benefits.
    It is something of a catch 22 situation.
  13. erofant

    erofant Members

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    soulcompromise - Are you only 13 years old??? Russia, China, and N. Korea have been enemy states to the U.S. and most of the free world for about 75 years now.

    wilsjane - The education level of citizens has NO BEARING on how they "tend to vote & not support dictators" !!! Dictators SEIZE power in those countries. They may not even permit free elections. Or in the case of Russia, if any person votes against Putin, they get thrown in prison, or they "just disappear." China and N. Korea have been repressive, intolerant countries where a citizen better "tow the party line and not speak up" in protest of conditions or the government of the dictator, or you'll be imprisoned or killed. These are communist dictatorships bent on military conquest of the free world. The entire free world has known these things for decades. What more proof do you want??

    To those who are talking about student smarts or who can pay the most to get in ………………. you have absolutely NO GRASP of the topic here!! The topic here is - Why are we allowing foreign students from known enemy countries to come here and learn our most cutting edge technology??

    When they return to their home countries, they MUST inform the communist dictators' governments of what they learned. They don't start their own companies and do what they want with them like in free countries. They have to serve the regimes where they live and do as they're told. These countries didn't have top-flight technology until they sent students here to study and basically "steal" our best science and technologies. They're catching up fast and in some cases, they've surpassed the U.S. in certain sciences & technologies.

    I think some of you paid NO ATTENTION while in school or (??) college (??) To ask "How do we determine which are enemy countries?" is to have zero grasp of world history!!!

    And to lode - You're right. I graduated pre 2000. So what does that have to do with anything?? One keeps learning and staying abreast of current world events ………. if one is smart. Some of the questions and opinions to my OP have convinced me I'm talking to mud bricks.

    I'm out.
  14. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Because our corporations already gave that technology away by outsourcing years ago?
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    There's little threat and several opportunities in letting chinese (and also iranian imo) students go to college in the west. We're not enemies in every aspect in a long shot. If you think so you missed something.
  16. What does this add to the discussion?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2020
  17. Bullzaye

    Bullzaye Members

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    One's level of formal education is not necessarily a true indicator of one's intelligence, knowledge, or common sense.
    Okiefreak likes this.

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