Supplements for vegetarians/vegans

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by pipgirl, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. pipgirl

    pipgirl Member

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    Pressed Rat:
    This is just one link, there have been many other studies. This ones shows that anatomically we are built like herbivores, not carnivores, or omnivores: The Comparative Anatomy of Eating1.pdf

    Also, omnivores were originally carnivores, and have adapted to eating plants also, not the other way around. (you will see from the study that omnivores have very similar anatomies to carnivores)
    Also, omnivores are able to thrive on either meat or plants alone. If we would try to eat only meat (raw, like real omnivores) for even 2 weeks, we would get seriously sick.

    Also, carnivores and omnivores produce their vitamin C, as you cannot get it from meat. We can't do that, we need it from food.

    And if you think we were meat to eat meat, go in nature, and try eating an animal. Sink your canines into a cow or whatever animal you prefer, and it it raw, with blood, organs, intestines, everything. hhaa.

    Any animal instinctively knows what he is designed to eat. If you put a human child in a room with a lamb and a banana, he would play with the lamb and eat the banana.

    There are so many other examples, and studies. It's really interesting. I used to think humans were omnivores too. I don't anymore
  2. pipgirl

    pipgirl Member

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    I'll also give you an excerpt from a book (The 80/10/10 diet)

    'Animals that live on other animals usually eat raw meat, straight from the carcass, with relish. Carnivores consume most of the animal, not merely the flesh, eating the muscle meat as well the organs and lapping up the warm fresh blood and other bodily fluids with gusto. They delight in the guts and their partially digested contents. They even crush, split and eat the smaller bones and their marrow and gristle (colagen or cartilage). ......
    When you note the vigor with which a carnivores devour whole animals, you can be sure that it is quite delicious to them.
    Most of us love animals as fellow creatures on Earth. We do not salivate at the idea of crushing the life out of a rabbit with our bare hands and teeth, and the thought of eating one in a freshly killed state is repulsive. We certainly do not enjoy chewing on bones, gristle, entrails, chunks of raw fat and flesh, and the hair and vermin that inevitably accompany them. We cannot imagine slurping hot blood, getting it all over our faces, hands and bodies. These behaviours are are alien to our natural disposition and are actually sickening.'

    Like I said before, omnivores are basically carnivores that have also adapted to eating plants, so the carnivore section applied to omnivores as well.
  3. CandiiRainbow

    CandiiRainbow Member

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    This !

    And this ! best sentences ever hehehehe
  4. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    you should get tested for B12 sooner than later. or, just take a supplement a couple of times per week. b12 is water soluble, so you don't really have to worry about taking too much.

    it is possible to fulfil all of your bodies dietary requirements while eating a vegan diet, but you really have to pay attention and be careful about it.
  5. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    a baby wolf might play with the lamb too, doesn't mean that his parents wouldn't chow down.
  6. pipgirl

    pipgirl Member

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    I will get tested for B12, and if I have a deficiency I'll get shots or sublingual supplements :D
    As I explained, originally getting enough B12 was easy. Nowadays, not so much unfortunately.
  7. CandiiRainbow

    CandiiRainbow Member

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    eggsprog, change it then, put a 20 year old human being in a room with one lamb and a pile of bananas .. will the person eat the bananas or attack the lamb, rip it apart with bare hands and eat it ? ;)
  8. pipgirl

    pipgirl Member

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    Yeah, I agree.
    And yeah, sure, a baby wolf might not attack the lamb right away, but that's because he would not stand a chance, being that young and small. But the point is, you can clearly see the instinct.
  9. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    The argument that we should act as we would have hundreds or thousands of years ago doesn't make any sense to me, especially when you make the argument on the internet from a house made of modern building materials.

    There are some good reasons to eat a veg(an) diet but that isn't one of them.
  10. wiccan_witch

    wiccan_witch Senior Member

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    I would like to start with the argument brought up so frequently that our ancestors have eaten meat for millions of years, therefore we must be omnivores. This really isn't an established fact. In fact it's because of the bones of Neanderthal man that this idea was started. Neanderthal man was a meat eater - he didn't have much of a choice since he lived during the Ice Age when there weren't many other options available. Other humanoid bones unearthed from other times suggest that plants made up at least 90% of the human diet.

    In terms of what vegetarians may be deficent in because they don't eat meat, protein isn't an issue. It is almost impossible to be protein deficent on a vegetarian diet. This is because vegetarian foods- grains, veges, nuts, beans etc are so rich in protein. As long as vegetarians meet the required calorie intake and eat a variety of foods - much like an omnivore should - they should meet all protein requirements.

    Calcium is abundant in vegetarian foods such as tofu, dark leafy greens, many seeds and nuts.

    Vitamin requirements for the human diet can easily be met by a vegetarian diet with the exception of B12. Vegetarians can meet their B12 requirements with nutritional yeast and with SOME fortified cereals (not all are adaquete, however), or with supplements if they are vegan. The body stores it's sources of B12 very carefully and recycles it so well that the human requirement for B12 is extremely low. This would suggest that in earlier times humans received all their B12 requirements through water or plant foods contaminated with B12 bacteria. But in the modern world we live in, it has become more difficult to meet our B12 requirements in this way. This says more about the way humanity lives in modern times than it does about wether or not a vegetarian diet is the natural diet for humanity.

    Iron, traditionally considered a problem for vegetarians due to plants having higher counts of non heme than heme iron isn't as much of an issue as people may think. Vitamin C increases the absoprtion of non heme iron in humans to the degree that a vege diet - makes up for any issues with iron absoprtion - provided, as I keep saying - the diet has variety! Vegetarians are no more likely to be iron deficent than meat eaters. Other minerals are easily consumed in a vegetarian diet.

    Some papers you might find interesting -

    Eaton and Konner - 'Paleolithic Nutrition'
    N. Nnakwe and C Kies 'Calcium and Phosphorus Utilization by omnivores and lacto-ovo vegetarians fed laboratory controlled lactoovovegetarian diets'
    JD Cook 'Adaption in iron metabolism'

    Pressed Rat, I used to also consume meat - provided it was organic and free range - as you and I have discussed previously. I truely believe that going vegetarian is a personal choice and I am not trying to convert people, here. However I am absolutely certain and that I can survive (and thrive) on a vegetarian diet. My reasons for giving up meat are mainly because I love animals and don't want to consume them. I don't need meat, therefore I no longer eat it.
  11. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    If you've got to take supplements to ensure nutrition and overall health then the argument of "vegan is healthier" is kinda mute. I haven't read any posts in here but yeah, that's what I thought of when I read the title.
    If you can't obtain the right benefits from a specific diet or lifestyle then... why?
  12. wiccan_witch

    wiccan_witch Senior Member

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    Maybe read some of the posts then...
  13. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Our stomachs produce hydrochloric acid, which is something not found in herbivores.

    Further, the human pancreas manufactures a full range of digestive enzymes to handle a wide variety of foods, both animal and vegetable. 
While humans may have longer intestines than animal carnivores, they are not as long as herbivores; nor do we possess multiple stomachs like many herbivores, nor do we chew cud. Our physiology definitely indicates a mixed feeder, or an omnivore, much the same as our relatives, the mountain gorilla and chimpanzee (who have been observed eating small animals and, in some cases, other primates).
  14. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I take supplements to optimize my health, as do many people. It's not necessarily a matter of ensuring nutrition, but optimizing it. I consume a healthy diet, but sometimes the added boost helps.
  15. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    You can take digestive enzymes ... rainbow light has a couple good ones.

    Anyways, I'd just take a B-complex and consider taking amino acids as well. I personally take something (the brand I take it from is organic india) called Moringa, which is absolutely wonderful. Read more about moringa if you want here- moringa has been used for ages but is pretty new around here. To sum it up it has all your amino acids- more protein than eggs, 25x for iron than spinach, 15x more potassium than spinach, 17x more calcium than milk...and on and on.... Some ppl consider moringa to be "the tree of life" ...anyways... it defiantly worth looking into and I feel great and can notice a difference when I take it but def. read what that site has to say about it because as it's become more and more popular/common there is more and more of it of weak potency or just fake or no good... so you def. wanna get a good brand... you can take it in powder form or pill, but get a good brand.
  16. wiccan_witch

    wiccan_witch Senior Member

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    Human hydrochloric acid is no where near as strong as other carnivores. It's about twenty times weaker. It's designed to break down things like grains. Otherwise, why humans need to cook most meats in order for them to be edible?
  17. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Oh and also I would take an omega 3 supplement in a plant based form as well (flax oil, etc.), unless you are consuming lots of flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.- even then I'd still take it.
  18. jaredfelix

    jaredfelix Namaste ॐ

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  19. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I'm of the opinion humans are opportunivores, and likely started as scavengers. Like hyenas.

    Cooking is peculiar to humans, and isn't necessarily for edibility so much as digestibility and the ability to digest more. same with grains, too!

    Of course, I see vegetarianism as a choice made by conscious beings, not our evolutionary heritage.
    Likely we are a successful fluke in between obligate carnivore and obligate herbivore.
  20. 3407LOVE

    3407LOVE Member

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    Vitamins are mostly synthetic, and petro-chemical
    bad for you.

    Biblical Diet is Vegan Gen. 1:29

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