Super Tuesday Tomorrow

Discussion in 'Politics' started by newo, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    We're down to 5 candidates now, and it looks like it will come down to Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden. Elizabeth Warren though has indicated she'll stay in it through the Democratic National Convention in July. But by Tuesday night or Wednesday morning we should know who the candidate will be.
  2. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    The downside to early voting is when your state primary comes around and you've already voted and that candidate has dropped out
    Super Tuesday is just Tuesday to me now
  3. sherman march

    sherman march Members

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    Massachusetts (Warren's home state) and Minnesota (Klobuchar's home state) both vote tomorrow. If they both lose their home state primaries to Sanders - which is what the polls show will happen - then both should end their campaigns on Wednesday morning. If you can't even finish first in your home state primary, then it's time to quit wasting your time and someone else's money.
  4. Warren is banking on a brokered convention. But hanging in until May will be tough for her. July is a dream at best. It seems like she plans to throw good campaign donations after bad.
  5. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Now Amy Klobuchar's gone so we're down to four, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg. Realistically it's between Biden and Sanders.
  6. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    And they are all in their 70s. Geez. What a bunch of geezers.

    Is this an astrological thing where the heavens decided 70 something years ago that they should all be presidential candidates?

    I am sorry, I will not vote for Trumpo, and it's painful to have to support an old white face to replace him... we need change. And not radical, but sensible change.
  7. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You need a root and branch reform of your voting system in the first place - get rid of voting college in the first place, make every vote for a particular candidate count.
  8. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    I have been an advocate of that since I was a teenager... many people think this.
  9. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I Voted and have the sticker to show it. They pass out stickers after you submit your ballot.

    There were no counting machines in my polling place! The ballots are just going into a special case. Usually there's a machine. I guess they don't want any errors...
    ZenKarma likes this.
  10. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Good for you !!! - now you have to persuade enough people of your persuasion to actually implement it - good luck with that - although not in the us, you have my full support.
    ZenKarma likes this.
  11. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    When a candy date who has won deli gates drops out , what happens to those DNC convention votes ?
    soulcompromise likes this.
  12. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I presume the Delegates are free to choose another candidate to support.
  13. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    an excellent question... Probably they lower the threshold for ultimate nominee by that amount. That'd be fair. But who knows what convoluted practice is actually in place... :tearsofjoy:
  14. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    They go to who ever the drop out suggests, but not all do that. It's a shuffle... hustle... and someone's gonna get screwed for sure.

    The way elections are run in the US is criminally insane if you ask me... the entire thing is a creation of the media, which make billions in profits from all the political ads, coverage, and debates. The thought of a shorter election cycle is completely out of the question, as there is too much money involved. So many people's careers are dedicated to working election cycles... one after another all their lives.

    Political hacks.
  15. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Varies by state .
    Options : such delegates might be released to vote as they wish , or will be required to commit to the state winner , or will vote their
    original commitment , or will bake the cookies for the big party .
  16. Lego Batman

    Lego Batman Scissors paper rocks

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    Garbage in
    Garbage out
  17. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I think Biden has it. The delegates from klobuhchar (7) and Buttigieg (26) go to Biden whose already been trailing Sanders.
    With Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg dropping out, what happens to their delegates?

  18. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    Is there a real reason the primaries are stretched out over 4-5 months while the general election is a single day? For some of the statess that vote in like may and june its like their votes don't really mater. Unless you live in Iowa or NH chances are you candidate is out of the race before you get to vote. Would it through our democracy into a tailspin if the primaries were 1 day like the general election is? I don't understand our process
  19. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Of course, this is a reflection of our fetish with federalism (which doesn't mean centralized government, just the opposite) and individualism. The Founding Fathers, in their infinite wisdom, left much of the process of national elections to the states, which do their own thing. They didn't allow for the influence of political parties in the process which is major. New Hampshire law requires its primary to be held before that of any other state, and gets away with it. Since it uses the caucus instead of a primary election, Iowa manages to get around that. The priority of the first four--Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina , is protected by DNC rules, which, of course, could be easily changed--for Democrats. Some states aren't holding Republican primaries this year so that Trump can run unopposed.
  20. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    At the moment Biden has won 8 states today, Sanders 3, with 3 states too close to call. Warren and Bloomberg have won none while Tulsi Gabbard is barely a blip on the radar.

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