Sunshine definitely is because of the vitamin D your body synthesizes when exposed to it. The big reason people get sick this time of year isn't because of the cold, but the fact that people's vitamin D levels are low due to lack of sunshine, which is also believed to be a major factor in Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or seasonal depression. With healthy food, plentiful water, adequate sleep and plenty of sunshine, the chance of becoming sick becomes almost non-existent.
I've heard of the winter blues, but since my body has a tendency to heat up quite quickly, I feel laggy and drain of energy throughout the warmer months. I am perfectly fine, alert and energetic in cold weather.
we've had a really grey, dreary winter so I've started supplementing vitamin d and it definitely makes me feel more energetic.
Yes Sunshine and Fresh Air natural remedies to cure your body dieases. Morning walk and Yoga is the main source of good and pollution free sunshine and fresh Air. Sunshine is a source of Vitamin D. Big reason people sick at winters because they don't get sunshine.They suffer from the seasonal Sunshine..
I was sick about 5 days ago with the flu, hig temp, everything. The next day, feeling a little better the next day i knew i needed to get outside and went for a hike on a nearby mountain. The sun rays on my back and head felt amazing. From tje effort of going up hill i was able to cough up a bunch of phlegm. Afterwards i felt 10x better than when i started.
Yes, I go cycling on my mountain bike in the fresh air every day, it's natures best remedy. Oh and a super green smoothie works wonders for your skin.
I've been reading about that lately. I've seen articles about the sunshine vitamin/ vitamin D3 possibly preventing and fighting many diseases, cancer in particular. Recall this article on that from Dr. Eades sight: From what I've read heliotherapy is best known in the past for helping against tuberculosis. Before antibiotics many Americans, and Europeans would travel to warmer sunnier climates to help with their TB. Ironically I was reading recently that fungus medications can help against tuberculosis - so possibly sunshine and fresh air has anti fungal properties also. "Antibiotic resistance or change resistance"
fresh air and sunshine have real health benefits. How are they natural 'antibiotics' and disinfectants.
I was cycling on my road bike yesterday and it was a beautiful sunny day. I really enjoy being out in the sunshine. When I ride to and from work I pass a couple gyms and see people on the treadmill's. I cant picture myself doing that but I will admit a treadmill would be nice when it's cold out.
I think so. We had a very mild winter this year, and I didn't get sick at all (touches wood). It is practically beach weather here now, and I've already seen women on the beach in their bikinis. Can't WAIT for summer!!! It is going to come soon, it is going to be fierce, and I am going to be READY. I plan on spending dozens of days on the beach.
I'd say it's a huge part if it. I feel so much happier and can think more clearly when I'm outside enjoying the weather and just breathing in the fresh air.