Suicide...goin' out with a BANG or a whimper?

Discussion in 'True Confessions' started by Libertine, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    I think about it a lot. But, not for the reasons you'd think.

    Knowing that we can, at any point, terminate our lives can be a powerful incentive. Just knowing that if the heat gets to be too much, I can push 'eject, game over, and I don't have to worry about the conditions I've created for myself or the pallid incompetence of others is quite intriguing at times.

    To many this is considered "weak, avoidance, cheating, sinful," etc., but that is just a human judgment intent on keeping us as their pawns, playing by "the rules", condemned by their bogey gods, afraid to take the power into their own hands and projecting this onto us as some sort of cosmic sin.

    After all, if we don't remain inside the game and submit to our position we will be deemed cowards. Cowards! By those who never had the intestinal fortitude to do such a magnificent/terrible act.

    Suicide is a spooky word, because death is frightening to most people. To them it is about the uncertainty or the unknown "beyond" or perhaps it is because they are afraid of not existing (which really makes no sense due to the fact that you wouldn't know it anyhow).

    But, the majority of people don't want to leave this place, right? Although I know that some people would if they could, but are afraid of that grandpappy just COULD be right and the devil is waiting on your ass with a pitchfork and scorpions.

    Me? I am intrigued with death, yet, admittedly, anxious at the same time. It will always be something inside me I suppose until that final breath...whether it be by nature, accident, or whatever. Whether it be at the hands of another or by my own, it is inevitable. It will happen.

    Perhaps it is a finite amount of time for you to live before going back into the infinite realm of non-existence. No souls, no spirits, no ghosts or phantoms...just back to nature, back to the ether, back to where you came.

    The eternal peace you'll experience forever, but never know it.

    My question has always been "How would I do it?" Which method would I use? What will be the deciding factor? This all excites me to think about. I don't like knowing I could be in an accident and killed instantly or I could be eaten by some disease. I want to be in control of my death--to decide when, where, who'll be there (if anyone) and the reasons behind it.

  2. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    in the book 'bolo bolo ' by p m is required of folks to wear a suicide pill around your neck so you know not to take things so seriously . .....the church of uthenasia has a suicide assistance hotline where they chide leapers on to their demise .
  3. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    im in favor of a lot of folks commiting suicide ....
  4. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Suicide pill may not be such a bad psychological tool. ;)
  5. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    thats right , it kind of states the obvious in magnitude .....
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Now...*searching through cabinets* "Where did I put that damn thing?" .... :D
  7. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Tried it, and for some fucking bizarre reason that i can't fathom i'm still here, so decided to hang around a while and see why...
  8. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    they stop people whos lives are destroyed from exiting this life . and you never see people trying to stop workers from going on long shifts in noisy stinky factories [where they give up years of their lives and their souls ] , saying ' how can you do that to yourself '
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Very good posts, Makno. I am now intrigued by this game. But, of course, being obsessed with mind games, I would be.
  10. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    Whenever I hear the word suicide, I always think of the movie, Heathers for some reason, but thats besides the point.
    I don't think people who commit suicide are cowards, I mean to take your own life, I would imagine youd have to be almost fearless(not the right way to put it, but ya get my point somewhat)
    People think suicide as a sin cause its taking the life that god supposedly has given you and then you just waste it by taking your own life, I guess... That is if you believe in that sorta thing. Though I dont believe suicide is a sin, sometimes people just cant take the world or for whatever reason it maybe...
    I am curious to know what happens when we die, what really lies ahead when we pass on, whether its self-inflicted or just dying. Is there really heaven or hell, reincarnation, left here in a spirit form, what really happens when we pass...

    If I were to commit suicide, Id probably drown myself..I love the water so I would just dive in and never come back up...

    I dont know if my post had anything to do with what you were saying but thought id put my thoughts in, even though they are rather pointless..
  11. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Sure, mystical. I like it.

    So, drowning for you, eh? That's very sad...tragic. Kind of symbolic. Bathtub? Or just walking into the sea?

    I've always thought of hanging, of course. Never anything violent. I've always like the car in the garage deal myself...playin' music, smoke a cig, and crank'er up.
  12. verseau_miracle

    verseau_miracle Banned

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    I actually think about this too. My only fear is that by commiting suicide we we have actually failed...and i believe that will mean not only coming straight back to the Earth, but also going an earlier stage of soul evolution. And so itd be pointless.

    But there have been many times ive come close to doing it. If i ever did id climb to the top of a very high building and jump. Wouldnt mess about with drugs or whatever. Id also try and travel as much as i could before i ended it...and as i was going to die anyway, id take lots of yeah, goin out with a bangs definitely the way if youre gonna bother.

    But i know id never do it, no matter how hard things got.

  13. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    it sucks when someone you love kills themselvs , but its an undenieable fact n ya jus liv wit it .
  14. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Cheers, Miracle...

    I think this is very interesting. Makno's "suicide pill" is a very useful psychological tool and it is quite intriguing to me the different paths each person would take. From drowning, to hanging, to carbon monoxide, to leaping from a high place...all very interesting and tells us a lot about the person, I think.
  15. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    Probably just walking into the ocean...
    Ahh carbon monoxide, forgot about that one...
    I wouldnt ever try to end my life by shooting myself cause sometimes those people live and end up missing half their face, and slitting wrists, can sometimes if found right away survive, or if you didnt cut deep enough..
    Id want to make sure Id be gone for good and not brought back...

    would any of you leave a note or anything...
  16. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    i cant realy see the point of concidering it unless i was terminaly ill and in pain .....but the option is comforting ......
  17. Bassist

    Bassist Gate crasher!

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    In some cases I would definately call it cowardly behavior; when you leave kids behind with no insurance, for example, (suicide voids insurance), that's fucking selfish.
  18. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    With me, it's never been a depression, but a curiousity or a feeling of surrender...or even a feeling over being overwhelmed and knowing you have that "out"...

    Very odd. very, very odd.
  19. Lodog

    Lodog ¿

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    I'd make it look like an accident so my family can collect on my life insurance.
    I could never do it though. I'm doomed to grow old and burdensom.
  20. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    you have to live on now that u spillt the beans bout yer plans ....theyd neva pay off anyhoo.....

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