So i had this dream last night. I was in a hotel with a girl with no face. Started out normal, just day by day things like if you were staying longterm. Then I don't really remember how it got to this part, but we got to a part where a crazy women attacked us with an ax. She threw the ax at me and it hit me in the leg. It hurt. I was glad that was only a dream. Then she stopped and started laughing and got the biggest smile on her face. She then pulled out knife and slit her throat. I have never seen anyone laugh that happily or look so alive. Then it got dark, annd I heard Morgan Freeman's voice say 'She was just a misfit, who tried to be something she wasn't and realized that was impossible. He then said 'and she finally realized the meaning of halloween, and more importatly the universe" yeah that was my dream....what do you guys think?
Torture, could have been something on your mind. Maybe some physiological distress that envoke things you've never been able to accomplish due to scrutiny. But then again, I wouldn't be able to tell weather or not scrutiny would encompass an ax and bondage of a woman. Unless she was peculiar enough to Romanize about in possibly your sexual exploriment. Some people have a knack for wild killer shit toward where only fucking a girl on her period makes them a killer, but if sex isn't the obligation then beauty and all the gorery shit can hit the roof. Unless your into sports and maybe an iconic symbol of the holidays " like a white Christmas" opens a fantasy of maybe sports culture and the idea a White Christmas needs some "Red" to eliminate the concept of snow maybe blood against rage and some back the future type shit. But, if I possibly believe the dreams could get worse than knowing frantic allusions sympathized as cornea renia, then blood and a white Christmas might not matter as much as the ax, besides bitches ain't shit and cut the hole with an ax... But, really Go team Go... fear should never dentine excitement if not scared...