So I started getting withdrawals after about a week of using oxy and heroin. Like 100-130mg of oxy a day and like 0.5g of heroin for a couple days. I took about 4mg of suboxone when I felt the w.ds. So 2mg at 4:30pm and another 2mg at 7:30pm because the first bit didn't cut it on tuesday. I tried to do some oxy the next day at about 2pm and felt nothing (Wednesday) . And now trying more at 5:30 am Thursday morning, still nothing. When the hell can I feel the oxy again?
You only took the 4mg of suboxone one time? Id wait at least 48 hrs. It's got an opiate blocker, hence why it's used to get ppl off heroin. If you can, I'd actually try to wait 72 hrs before trying to get high off any opiate, any sooner it's just guna be a waste and just really piss you tf off. Also, you may already know this but just incase you don't.. if you're a daily heavy pill/heroin user and one day decide to get clean and stay off everything, suboxone is def the way to go.. this is where everyone fucks up tho and makes them think suboxone isn't helping- as painful and as hard as it will be, you MUST wait until you're in full blown opiate withdrawal before taking the first initial dose suboxone. It sucks but if you wait as long as you possibly can, the suboxone will end up making you feel better than you thought possible, it's like effing magic for real and it starts working and making you feel a million times better in less than 20 minutes. If you take a suboxone before you even start to feel just the slightest degree of shittiness, you'll just throw yourself into what's called precipitated withdrawal, it'll be the worst withdraw you ever experience. This is true w the suboxone sublingual strips AND the subutex pill. IMO tho, the strips are the best way to get clean. I know your post is old and you've prly already gotten or found out for yourself the answer to your question in this post but I wanted to answer anyways lol. I promise if you go to a suboxone dr to get the strips prescribed, you'll be able to stay off heroin and pills. Try to only take suboxone tho for a couple months or so, actually just 1 month if you can and towards the end of your script, start taking a little less every few days to wean down off them. The longer you take them and depend on them, it'll just end up another addiction and yes, withdrawals to a certain extent depending on how much you are used to doing and how long you've been on it. Addiction is an awful thing to experience/have. 6 years ago, I was addicted to what started w vicodin, which didn't take long to get me hooked on roxy 30s, that then became heroin. I didn't think I'd ever get involved, much less addicted to any pill or drugs, bc after watching my sister battle addiction, being in and out of rehab centers a few times, and her daily early morning trips to the methadone clinic before she was finally able to actually get and stay clean after she was weaned down and given her last dose of methadone, despite the clinic weaning her properly to the lowest dose of methadone, she still ended up having to go thru terrible withdraws that made me so sad to see her that way in so much pain, yet at that time I was completely drug free and couldn't understand or believe she really felt as awful as she tried explaining. Then, after she had been clean for 2 years and had a baby, that's about the time I took my first vicodin and it just went downhill from there. I put partial blame on my son's dad bc he started taking them first behind my back and I found his pill stash one day while cleaning. Of course I got so mad at him and cussed him out, but an hour later I was asking him to give me one so I could see what was so great about them, if they were making him feel good well fuck I wanted to feel that way too! Anyways, in 2010 my addiction started, in 2012 I had done "advanced" to heroin, I started out snorting it 2 or 3 times a day and continued to snort it until 2014 when I begged my boyfriend to hit me w a shot of boy just this one time, I wanted to see what it was all about. He told me no bc it wouldn't be just this once and this one time is all it would take for me to never go back to doing it any other way again. I told him he was wrong and kept bugging him to do it and threatened I'd just try doin it myself then if he wouldn't help me, he finally gave in bc he didn't want me to fuck myself up in any way. Needless to say, he was right, the next morning I asked him to do it for me once more and i asked him every time for ab a month or so until I had to go out of town and wasn't guna have a choice but to learn myself if I didn't want to be ridiculously sick while visiting my mom and sisters in a whole other state. I banged for almost a year before I finally hit rock bottom in February of 2015 and went to what I thought was a medical rehab facility, turned out to be a halfway house. Buuuut I was driven by a friend there and it was almost 3 hrs from my house so I had no choice but to stay and stick it out, plus they'd taken my phone so I couldn't even attempt to get a ride or anything. I ended up going thru the awful heroin withdraws all on my own, no medicine, no nothing, sharing a room with a much older lady who was there bc she was on parole for being drunk and burning down her ex husband's house while he was in it. She was trying to keep an eye on me if I needed anything but when you're goin thru those withdrawals, all you want is to die and that's all you can think about is how you wish someone would just kill you so you don't have to feel like that anymore. She knew I smoked cigarettes, she was a smoker as well and was always tryna get me up out of the bed to walk downstairs and go with her outside to smoke in the freezing cold winter temps,with SNOW on the ground. I did go a couple times just bc I knew if I did, she'd leave me alone the rest of the day bc she was convinced that getting me to move around at least once a day would help me feel better.. umm NO. You need darkness, complete silence, a bed and a toilet, possibly a trashcan for when it comes out both ends at the same time, ughhh. I'll have 2 years of clean time in February of 2017 and I never thought I'd be able to say that. I can't imagine having to go thru withdraws and feel that awful again. I've had a baby, and actually I'm currently 13 wks pregnant w my 2nd child now, and the withdraw process was definitely way worse than being 104lbs when i first got pregnant then squeezing a 9lb baby out at the end. It's really just indescribable. I had bought suboxone off ppl before to try and get clean, I wish I would have followed thru w taking strips to stop instead of going back to heroin and having to get thru that hell in a halfway house without absolutely NOTHING. I'm not sure how long you've been into it, but don't be scared to stop. It doesn't last forever and suboxone will get you thru it w no problem. Heroin, any addiction isn't worth ruining your life, bc if it hasn't gotten that bad for you yet, then even more reason to quit now bc i promise it'll ruin you and it'll ruin your relationships with your family and friends and it'll rob you of all your things, jail or dead are the only endings if you continue to use heroin. Good luck to you. Sorry for the novel lol, I just try to help anyone if I can since I can totally 100% relate to your situation, I went thru what you're feeling right now. If not yet, soon you'll only be doing the boy to not be sick as soon as you open your eyes every morning and just to get up out of bed every day and function like a normal person, you won't even enjoy the chase or want to do enough to nod tf out anymore, the only goal will be to not be sick. Ugh it sucks and I'm so glad i got it over with, best thing I could've ever done. My life is sooo much different and definitely so much better then it was back then. Good luck to you, w everything!! You can't get clean until YOU TRULY WANT to get and stay clean. I hope it's sooner than later, but I know how hard it is and why getting clean is your very last priority. So worth it tho, I swear! Omg this is crazy long, I'm so sorry, if you even made it all the way thru bahaha. Oops!