Stupid Neurons

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by wooleeheron, Feb 14, 2024.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Surprisingly simple model explains how brain cells organize and connect

    Mathematicians apparently got together with neurologists and others, to figure out that the brain is stupid, obeying stupid rules of networking, that require a noisy environment to work properly, and are self-organizing. Similar to an ant colony. For example, ants feel the pressure in the walls they are digging, and stop when its too high, without having to think about it. Their entire organization and behavior is merely the default in large numbers, making it impossible to get it wrong. Their complexity is the result of simple defaults, and they resemble zombies. Which means its possible to make AI that can be distinguished from people, and everyone displays the Two Faces of Janus, or a Zombie and a Human Being!

    The truth itself is beyond the kin of modern science and, forty Two being as good as any other explanation, means humans can be described as self-organizing zombies as well. For we are spirits in the material world. :)

    The article could be better written, but they're talking about a Bell Curve, that's not symmetrical, which describes quantum mechanics as well. It means life always remains two steps forward, and one back again, and everything is self-organizing by default, and the truth is demonstrably up to 125% efficient, in everything.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2024
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I suppose we could just stick an antenna on our heads and transfer it all to the safety of the clouds.
    Knowing my luck, their would be a thunderstorm.
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    It means its quite possible to mimic any neurons in your head, and you'd never notice any difference. Recently, somebody printed a neuron in a 3d printer, and it worked. Every cell in your body should obey the same basic networking, distorted by dimension squeezing. With the right music, you can do the Funky Monkey. Physics and mathematics turn out to be equally as stupid as they can be complex.
  4. Friar Turk

    Friar Turk Dankin' and Tankin'

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    This is where the rubber meets the post, or the pig meets the roast. Please understand me. I've loved this forum widely and immensely ever since I first set teeth to saw, moleskin to molehill -

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