Stupid bastard Boris does it again !!!

Discussion in 'U.K. Politics' started by Vladimir Illich, Feb 6, 2021.

  1. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Not content with ignoring scientific advice costing us countless lives, this stupid bastard has managed to do it again and will be costing us even more lives lost to this pernicious virus !!!

    Minutes show Sage warned ‘complete’ border closure needed to stop new variants
    Neil Lancefield, PA Transport Correspondent
    5 February 2021, 4:47 pmThe Government’s top scientific advisers warned last month that a “complete, pre-emptive closure of borders” was needed to fully prevent new coronavirus strains being imported into the UK.

    Minutes from a meeting of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) held on January 21 revealed that the experts said the only other method of stopping any variants arriving was for all travellers to be quarantined in designated facilities.

    Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced six days later that only people arriving from countries on a “red list” will be required to self-isolate in a hotel for 10 days.

    It was confirmed last night that this policy will not come into force until February 15.

    The advisers stated: “Evidence from the continued spread of the South African and UK variants suggests that reactive, geographically targeted travel bans cannot be relied upon to stop importation of new variants once identified, due to the time lag between the emergence and identification of variants of concern, and the potential for indirect travel via a third country.”

    They added that requiring passengers to quarantine on arrival and test negative for coronavirus before they are released has the “most substantial potential effect on reducing the risk of infected arrivals”.

    On Tuesday, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said Sage “did not actually advise the Government to completely close borders or call for a blanket quarantine on travels”.

    The Department of Health and Social Care said it is working “at pace to secure the facilities we need” for the new hotel quarantine policy.

    The Daily Telegraph reported that the scheme will run until at least the end of March, with officials seeking to reserve 28,000 hotel rooms for use over that period.

    A commercial specification was issued on Thursday evening to hotels near air and sea ports.

    A No 10 spokesman said on Friday that “no formal contracts have been awarded as yet”.

    Jojean Porte, regional director of operations at St Giles Hotels, said its site near Heathrow Airport is already used for travellers needing to quarantine under existing rules, and is ready to take part in the new programme.

    She told the PA news agency: “We have already done a very thorough risk assessment in accordance with WHO protocols and the UK Government guidelines.

    “We just have to really upscale the number of rooms as soon as we get some updates from the Government.

    “But we are ready. The hygiene protocols, the cleaning procedures, the staff training – we are there.”

    Adrian Ellis, chair of the Manchester Hospitality Association and general manager of the city’s Lowry Hotel, said the opportunity to open up for guests for quarantine purposes would be “welcomed” by some owners, but details about plans were still scarce.

    “We don’t know which hotels are assigned and we don’t know how the rules will work,” he told BBC Radio 4 Today.

    PA understands that some hotels have asked to be excluded from the scheme due to concerns about catering and security staff potentially becoming infected, and the impact on insurance policies.

    Paul Charles, chief executive of travel consultancy The PC Agency, questioned the exit plan for “unwinding” hotel quarantines.

    (PA Graphics)
    He told Today: “Governments use these blunt tools and put these measures in place relatively quickly, although this has been very slow, but they have a habit of leaving them in place longer than is necessary.”

    Travellers staying at quarantine hotels will be asked to pay around £80 per night, an industry source told the BBC.

    The Daily Telegraph said it had seen documents showing that an estimated 1,425 passengers will need to be accommodated each day, mostly near Heathrow.

    They will be required to take a coronavirus test on the second and eighth days of their stay, with a negative result needed in order for them to leave, according to the report.

    The Government will pay around £55 million up front and try to recoup the money from passengers, the paper said.

    Mysteron likes this.
  2. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    I believe Boris's exact words were "I'm not prepared to close the borders"
    Well Boris I'm not prepared to follow your stupid rules any longer .

    20 000 people a day come into the UK from overseas according to Sir Kier Starmer of which I can well believe and I am not allowed to travel to my next town . Well fuck that I have had enough .:mad:
  3. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Don't be silly matey, you're just as likely to be the one to get caught and land a £10,000 fine !!!
    Mysteron likes this.
  4. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    No I wont. I have an excemption pass for face coverings. Just havnt used it .I will start travelling and going out when i want like they do. Im really pissed off big time with these hypocrits in charge
  5. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Maybe so, matey, but that possibly won't stop them charging you with travelling outside your own area or being in breach of the 'social distancing' rules.
    Mysteron likes this.
  6. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    yes it will as we have one of our suppliers there and theyll have to catch me first as well . You can tell how fed up of these arseholes I am .
  7. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Join the back of the queue matey, you're not alone I assure you !!!
    Mysteron likes this.
  8. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Us 2 between us could handle the Covid situation better than they can and we have no experience in politics. Me a former shop steward for a bank is the closest I have been. They just dont have any common sense. South African variant . How did they think it got here via a Zebra Finch ?
  9. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Came here inside an 'Amazon' parcel !!! ;):D:D:D
    Mysteron likes this.
  10. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    You have nothing to worry about here in the UK.
    These arrests reported in the media show no context and paint the person as an unfortunate victim.
    In reality, most of them have been openly flouting every every rule, wandering around busy town centres, in and out of busy shops and visiting DIFFERENT people for hours every day, all without wearing a mask. They had probably already received several warnings.

    As you know, our daughter is a London police officer and she and her team have not arrested a single person simply for breech of the covid rules.
    Although she was not on duty, the team did arrest the ringleaders of the protest at Wimbledon Broadway, where a couple of hundred unmasked drunken revellers flocked the streets and shops on new years eve. They were fined £80, mostly for drinking alcohol in a public place. The note "Antisocial behaviour (covid)" was added to their records.
    Mysteron likes this.
  11. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Hmmmm - keeping a low profile about Boris are we ???
  12. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I think that he is learning and taking into account the percentage of idiots who will break the rules.
    As yet, hospitals have not been overwhelmed and Jane and I both had our covid jabs last week.

    I would suggest a couple of things to slow the virus spread down as the restrictions ease up, rather than the either or situation.

    The simplest one that would cause minimum inconvenience is walking on the left hand side of the road in busy shopping areas, thus avoiding people walking in the opposite direction.

    The second (more complex) one would be as the bars and pubs reopen, making people register at their chosen bar. This would prevent a handful of idiots visiting half a dozen bars on the same day and spreading the virus all over the place.
    A second choice could be added, but turned on and off as things progress.

    Hopefully with most people over 65 vaccinated, the demand on ICU will drop drastically.
    Even in the last peak, a major problem was people arriving at the hospitals who did not need specialist treatment.
    The decision to use the Nightingale units as virus free convalescent units was a great idea.

    Who knows, you may come up to London and give Boris a pat on the back. Just remember not to use your baseball bat. :D:D
    Mysteron likes this.
  13. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Nah, I'll borrow a farmer's cow and let the cow deliver the pat (from a great height) to show what I think of Boris and the rest of the scumbag 'nasty party' cronies !!!
    wilsjane likes this.
  14. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Following on from this as regards the Bars and Restaurants ,I do think that there will be some sort of vaccination passport system in place for when they reopen . If I was a bar owner I would want one in place as the last thing I would want is the place shutting again because an unvaccinated person had spread it .Even though I have had Covid now at least 2 times , I will be having the vaccine in order to regain my freedom . Medically I dont think I need it as the last time I got it ,I was just off colour for a day. I don't think there is a problem in the take up of it in the older end . Its the younger end were there will be more resistance .
  15. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Simple answer to that - no-one under 50 (evidence needed) is allowed in UNLESS they can prove they've been vaccinated !!! ;):D:D:D
    Mysteron likes this.
  16. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Seriously I would support that :)

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