link Maybe this is what happened to me? I was liberal as all get borders and all the rest...when I didn't have a car, house, or two young girls to protect.
Don't know how that transfers to us 'over the pond' but, as a Olde Hippy Guy I believe, advocate, taught my two girls and and teach my two grandchildren (one of each) individual freedom of thought
There's all sorts of studies out there that try to draw comparisons between two entities that have little to no correlation to each other. This is an example of one.
Familiarity doth breed contempt! Quite literally in this case because forty years of studies have concluded that the republican party is organized along the lines of a flock of chickens. That means the brightest lights are sometimes left on when nobody is actually home and self-contempt becomes part of everyday life. For example, the Tea Party claims to be secular, but almost all their members are evangelical and often members of organizations like the KKK. I know members who like attending these kinds of hate rallies because they really enjoy and most feel at home among people ranting and raving all the time and asserting their dominance in the hierarchy. Its an old joke, "How do porcupines mate? Very carefully, while cats have barbed penises and pull each other's fur, bite, and make a lot of noise." I've seen a trailer full of them all standing two feet apart and enjoying screaming at one another simultaneously for four hours straight without pausing for breath. No accounting for taste.
Agreed, I've been a republican all along. My mother is a democrat and my father is an "artist" so I don't know if he even votes. Jane, my wife, calls me a "Liberal Republican" because of the views we share in common. Which gave rise to me calling her a "Conservative Democrat". What's really disgusting and disturbing is hearing anyone try to make a political party into a racial construct. Unless we form "The White Party" and "The Black Party" etc, such a system shouldn't be happening. What's rather interesting though is how it has played out numerically. Having a daughter made Jane very protective. I used to think it was because our child was small, even though she was perfectly healthy. Jane doesn't smoke and rarely drank, so it wasn't anything she did, but she still doubted it and flogged herself every time the kid coughed or puked. It was the boys who suddenly had Jane, my passive liberal wife, buying guns (plural). But then, I have to consider the Louisiana factor as well. I just can't draw a straight line between daughters and politics. Our daughter is depressed that Trump won. Does that count? Or is she just a typical college student at a liberal university?
One interesting thing about this study by Conley and Rauscher is that it contradicts several earlier studies, which found the opposite relationship.(Oswold & Powderhane, 2010; Warner,1991;Warner and Steel, 1999; Washington 2008). The Oswold and Powderhane study dealt with Britain which has a somewhat different set of differences between liberal and conservative than in the U.S. The Warner and Warner and Steel studies used localize samples, and the Washington study focused on voting by Congressmen who have daughters. The "newly published" study actually uses old data from the 1994 General Social Survey by the University of Chicago concerning the even earlier Presidential Election of 1994, when the Democrat candidate was Bill Clinton, even then a notorious womanizer. The investigator's think that the relationship between having daughters and favoring Republicans is a function of the protective attitude parents have toward daughters. Bill Clinton might be uniquely salient in that regard. The study found that parents of daughters were 14% less likely to identify as Democrats and 11% more likely to identify as Republicans. The authors admit that the study may be time bound to the early "90s, and it would be difficult to replicate because 1994 was the only year the General Social Survey collected such data. In other words, the investigators may be over-generalizing on the basis of early 1990s data.
I disagree. Living in fantasy will lead you, at best, astray. Living in reality reveals where you are and where you want to be. But every once-in-a-while a good drunk is a good thing, either Modelo or single malt Scotch.
It is a fair Point Laguna, If circumstances were different, or perhaps closer to the norm of convention, then Reality is a task of chores to be undertaken with Reward to be enjoyed - however, When the Compliance of expectations sees Excessive workplace Demands, Lack of availability options with £inancial options, Isolation in company and the Melancholy of reflective muse is such, that 'Living in the Real World' becomes more of a chore than a pleasure, one Needs Release - Fantasy being the lesser evil of alternative coping options - Me, thinks.