students union

Discussion in 'Protest' started by trotsky, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. trotsky

    trotsky Member

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    How do start one and be reqonized by the school?
  2. _chris_

    _chris_ Marxist

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    I realize this is a really old thread, but no replies, but its something im trying to do at the monent, and i'll offer my two cents.

    Right, first you need to start something unofficial. Get together a hardcore group of dedicated activists from a group of schools in your area. The next step is to write. Get together a short publication, and print off a few. It doesnt have to be any longer than a double sided sheet of a4 in half. If you want to see one, PM me. A constitution for the orgonization to work by is also very important. I can send anyone a copy of ours if you need one to use as a framework.

    Find issues in your school or affecting schools in your area, such as privatisation, or lack of funding. Publicise this issue. COnfront head staff in your school about it, and if it comes down to it, call a strike. It only takes 2 people in each school your trying to get out to publicise it for it to be a success. You need to continue runnign as if you were a recognised union, not giving in to any pressure, and in time, you will be recognised.
  3. green_revolution

    green_revolution Member

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    Hey I've been interested in this. Me and my friend were thinking of trying to organize something similar next year but the only thing is I go to a private school and I don't know if it can really be justified in a private school. There's a lot of things worth changing, for example, you are forced to buy textbooks from the school (they have this little stamp to make sure) that cost an insane amount. Students sometimes have to pay up to 40 dollars for a SINGLE TEXTBOOK!
    But I mean, as long as the owner gets his money, what difference does it make if we try to organize something since getting people not to pay would be pushing it, let alone impossible.
    I've tried talking to my parents but they just say that it's not a problem since we have the money, and that's usually the end of the conversation.
  4. _chris_

    _chris_ Marxist

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    Mate, the french have a school students union, you'd only need to set up a branch.

    i'll find out their website for you on friday if ya want
  5. green_revolution

    green_revolution Member

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    That'd be cool but the thing is I go to an international school.
  6. _chris_

    _chris_ Marxist

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    they'd still surely take you...

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