Struggling, but ok

Discussion in 'True Love' started by iriegnome, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. iriegnome

    iriegnome Member

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    Short back story. On year 10 of my first marriage, I found out my wife was cheating. So, I am now getting to year 10 of marriage #2. Things have been pretty bad with all sorts of things. Mostly (on my part) I have been under huge amount of stress and pressure from work. I changed jobs after 2 years of harassment. Due to all of that, I have not be at my best performance wise in 2 years. It has gotten way worse than I had thought. But last night, while on my way home from work, I talked with my wife and told her I wanted to race to see who could get home first and be naked. Well, the playful game worked because I got home first. When she got home she came straight into the bedroom and stripped. It was crazy good sex! I mean, like we were still dating sex. Man I miss that so much. The hope it for this all to move forward and for me to start living in today, not 18 years ago
    Oelrob likes this.
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Good luck man. I'm not married. But it sounds like you did something right the other night. :)
  3. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Keepin the drive alive.
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Now you just need to add roles into your bedroom time and you'll be okay. :) I think the expectance of knowing what going to happen during sex is basically a turn off, so once something is routine and habitual, it gets boring. Once someone gets bored then the problems arise. In all honesty I don't know how some people can just do the same routine sex every day and get away with it, which I mean quite more often than not these days, they aren't getting away with it because one party eventually sees someone else.

    So you've seen now first hand what a bit of spice can give your love life, and it wasn't anything dire, it was just different than your habitual routine, the norm even. :)
    TAZER-69 likes this.

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