I think there was once a thread like this but list slang words and their meanings to bump...like this: loosies is cigarettes you bought on the street
****** is a word that black people affectionately call eachother. Caucasian people are not allowed to use that word, because then they are considered racist and politically incorrect.
To be more exact, I think it's a corner store... not the street exactly- not like from a person... Just sayin...
i buy loosies all the time from people on the street ,well sidewalk...i think its happened in the actual street before tho. I'm supposed to be stoppin so I don't buy a pack anymore just one or 2 when I really want one An okey doke means you got screwed..
^ Zol is slang for a reefer over here, and obviously reefers slang for a spliff, and spliff's slang for a joint, and a joint's slang for a herb stick, herb sticks slang for ganja fag, ganja fag's slang for marijuana cigarette. I've never heard of herb stick before to be honest, I just made it up, but I quite like it.. it shall be used!
No offense, but the frequent mention of loosies in your posts leads me to assume you are somewhat new to life in an urban environment. Perhaps I'm wrong, it could just be an obsession. Anyway, I see that you've familiarized yourself with sherm; by chance you hopping on the 'L to cop some works and grip up a bund? The D boys bless you with a rig? Snatch up some blues and some soft and lets blitz this hydro cuddy.