Strangest fear

Discussion in 'People' started by Tree-Hugger, May 8, 2004.

  1. FoolishDreamer

    FoolishDreamer Member

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    my worst fear is of outhouses. I'm just so terrified about what could be lurking down there in the hole with all that NASTY human excretement. Also falling in is another factor that scares me. Once, when we were at a lake, I had to change into my swimsuit in the outhouse. I kept as far away from the hole as possible at all times. It was a very stressful situation, my heart was pounding the whole time.

    I hate crayfish. like I was swimming at a lake once, and I sawthis little crayfish, and I started FREAKING OUT. Like even lobsters, just basically anything with those pinchers scares the crap out of me.

    I also have that whole phone fear, where you hesitate. Like if my mom asks me to order a pizza, I will do everything within my power to have her do it. If I have to make the call, I will automatically freeze up and be a bumbling fool. But if I know the person on the other line, I'm fine.

    I still get a little bit afraid of the dark sometimes. Like a few days ago, our AC froze up, so I had to sleep with my window open and the blinds up a little. Just looking over and seeing this PITCH black area terrifies me. It doesn't matter that I'm on the second floor, not ground level, I'm still freaked out.
  2. vanilla_faerie

    vanilla_faerie Member

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    My number one fear is vomitting. It bothers me more if someone else vomits. I can hardly watch TV. I also have that phone thing. I won't answer unless I can see the caller ID, and I HATE calling someone I don't know. I get nervous and start to stutter. I don't like worms, slugs, roaches, moths, ect. I also fold my shower curtain around the bar at the top because I'm scared that woman from "The Shining" will be there, and I can't TAKE showers (only baths) because of "Psycho". My parents let me watch way too many scary movies as a kid. *feels stupid* AND, finally, I can't stand to touch the bottom of a pool. The only time I wear shoes is when I'm swimming. lol

    I live a life of fear.
  3. weep

    weep Senior Member

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    I so do understand you!!!
    I didn´t know that there´s a name for it...
  4. TripAmerika

    TripAmerika Member

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    I have a fear of socks. I don't like them near me and I certainly won't wear them.
  5. nohelmetlaws

    nohelmetlaws Banned

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    I scared of hairy beavers,
  6. northernlehigh97

    northernlehigh97 Senior Member

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    I'm scared of pants pythons, and trouser trouts.
  7. novarys

    novarys Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    i can't stand being in a house w/o the main doors in the house being locked. i always have to check to make sure the doors that go to the outside are locked and my family hates it. even when i'm in a car i have to lock the doors.

    i fear walking alone at night or just going outside alone at night (cuz i can't see if anyone is watching me....ever get that feeling that someone is watchin ya?)
    i also hate really tall roller coasters that go straight down...i can't do those but i love the roller coasters that go upside down....i dont know why this is.
  8. novarys

    novarys Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    oh yeah and i fear my back getting popped....when someone offers to do it, i can't let them do it. and when i hear others popping thier necks or what give me the creeps.
  9. celeste

    celeste Member

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    My fear is For the animals!Those damn hunters up at 3 a.m.! I live way out in the sticks and these idiots bumble through the woods shooting God only knows what! I crawl out of my warm bed and walk to the edge of the woods & yell, "I'm crazy AND I've got a gun!" and let a shot off in the air.I was not into guns 'til I moved out here.These dimwits even shot a neighbors mule in the daytime!The law doesn't care what goes on out here in the county.No,maybe my fear 'should be' that I'll bag one of those good ol' boys.
  10. Small_Brown

    Small_Brown Senior Member

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    When im on the comp downatairs (like now) and its all lit inside and dark outside.. I ALWAYS assume someone is watching me. Spiders :| dont even make me look at one, ill cry.

    My big one is being in new places. I tend to think everyone is out to get me after getting beat up by 7 guys and being knocked unconscious. I dont go anywhere out of the house without either a knife or a bat (bats in my car). If I had a gun, I'd take that with me too, cuz you never know.

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