cats have been domesticated by humans for 8,000 years and yet according to the Bible, the universe is only 5,000 years old
Tortoiseshell cats are almost always female. About one out of every 3000 tortoiseshell cats is a male. Probably the most common thing that can cause a male tortoiseshell is something called "Klinefelter Syndrome." This happens in humans as well as cats and probably other species. Something goes wrong during fertilization or the early stages of fetal development and the fetus winds up with two X-chromosomes and one Y chromosome. The Y chromosome causes the cat to develop physically into a male cat, but if one X chromosome has an orange gene and the other has a black or tabby gene, that male cat will be a tortoiseshell. There are many other similar genetic abnormalities and almost all of them result in sterility. I have a tortie female. One of the distinguishing features is that they will have toes of different colours on the same foot. One of her feet has pink toes and grey toes.
When a cat washes his face, he doesn't move his paw; he moves his head. When a cat drinks, he curls his tongue UNDER to scoop the liquid into his mouth. 90% of orange or orange and white cats are males. Although all cats purr, scientists have never figured out exactly how they do it. Cats not only purr when they are content, but also when in pain or any sort of high emotion. That was fun. Cats are something I know a LOT about!
I really do believe that cats can see ghosts, at least mine can. It's freaky shit, on more than two occasions I had to put her in the other room and shut the door because it was freaking me out a little too much.
i recently found out that cats are colour blind and it upset me to think my cats could not see in colour..LOL